Page 5 - September October 2014
P. 5
TSelpetceombRere/sOecllteorber 2014 5
Telecom ReMsaerclhle/Arpril 20145
MCMANUS systems it within an organization. We’ll take a these systems to market. hese partnerships have join function
continued from page 1
High Deinition video and voice conferencing
Hlook at this by going over what these systems given manufacturers the opportunity to provide
for group collaboration
are, how they are meant to be used and perhaps all-inclusive solutions for the multifaceted
Easy to use digital white board and PowerPoint
most importantly, what they are not meant to be.
technology demands of a meeting room. Rather virtually from anywhere, on any device. One
functions within a meeting.
than being a compilation of diicult-to-integrate
of the newest related products to utilize the
ShoreTel14.2deliverscustomizablevirtualizationhe Lync Rooms System is a purpose built
In room resource scheduling
advanced features of Lync 2013isthe Lync Roomsolution that bringsLync intothemeeting individulsystemcomponents, the room system
ystem, which extends the functionality of Lync By Ray Horak, Technology Editor room. he room systems utilize a Lync Client,
is an out-of-the-box solution for virtual meetings.
Record a meeting
tem designed and developed entirely in-
scales easily to serve the needs of virtu-
30,000 businesses of all sizes in over 60
Sto the conference room environment. his new
which has an interface that is familiar to users
hey also ofer added beneits such as HD video,
Users can instantly join a meeting and begin
house, so it is homegrown and organic,
ally any size organization, whether SMB
solutiohnobrreinTgesltorgeectehnertltyherbeelsetaisneUdniSihedoreTel who already work with Lync at their desktops.
audio conferencing, interactive digital white
collaborating with participants, both in the
which yields lots of advantages, includ-
or enterprise, single site or multisite. That
I recently interviewed ShoreTel rep-
Comm1u4n.i2c,attiohnes;lavitdeesot avnedrsdioatna cofllaitbsoraawtioanrd- Microsot has collaborated with select partners
boards, and a wide range of display sizes to
room and across the country. With a Lync Room
ing tight integration. The design concept
design challenge pointed to a unique dis-
resentatives who explained that ShoreTel
hardwawreinpnluisnsgotwUanrieiteodtranCsofomrmtuhneimcaeteitoings (UC) software. ShreTelisapureIPsys- on optimizing the user experience for the Lync
accommodate multiple room layouts.
System, remote meeting attendees are no longer
focused on a highly modular solution that
tributed architecture used by more than
14.2 takes the ShoreTel solution to another
roomintoaremote collaboratonhaven. hereisMeeting Room. Manufacturers such as SMART Some key features of a Lync Room System are: isolated or disengaged. hey can be seen via a
dimension—a virtual dimension that deliv-
still some confusion, however, about where these
Technologies and Crestron have worked to bring
Instant ‘meeting join’ capabilities via push to
ilmstrip on the digital display in the meeting
ers much greater lexibility for deploy-
room and can interact and share content with
Searching high and low for a
ments, with the ability to mix and match
others in the meeting.
Searching high and low for a
ShoreTel hardware-based Linux appliances
What It Is Not:
or now as virtual software appliances on
Lync Room Systems are not intended
customer provided general purpose serv-
to be replacements for high-end
Cloud Telephony Solution?
ers running VMware in a single network,
Cloud Telephony Solution?
telepresence. Executives and their meeting
or a combination of both, all managed
spaces have unique needs that the Lync Room
via a single web-based management inter-
System does not currently address. he Lync
face. Companies deploying ShoreTel 14.2
Room System, rather, is meant for the general-
can select the UC deployment model that
purpose meeting room where a majority of an
Are you a reseller, VAR, or ‘like’ a service provider
organization’s employees meet and collaborate
Are you a reseller, VAR, or ‘like’ a service provider
needs—physical, virtual, or a hybrid com-
best suits their business and infrastructure
on a daily basis. he video demands for high
prising any combination. Bernard Gutnick,
proile boardrooms are diferent than those of the
Director of Product Marketing for ShoreTel
and looking to buy, rent, or host your own system?
general-purpose meeting or huddle room. Oten,
and looking to buy, rent, or host your own system?
explained that “The associated beneits are
Senior Executives still expect the fully immersive
clear and immediate, including reduced
video experience, where the nuances of a face
hardware and operational complexity,
Look no further.
higher application availability, increased
to face meeting are achieved via high deinition
Look no further.
video conferencing.
scalability and reliability.” ShoreTel 14.2
he Lync Room System provides a robust
enables all ShoreTel UC components,
video experience for the participants, but video
including call control, SIP trunks, CRM
collaboration is not its sole function. Audio,
integration, uniied messaging, contact cen-
video and interactive content collaboration each
ter and collaboration applications, to be
play equally important roles in this all-in-one
virtualized and implemented on industry
solution, while traditional telepresence rooms are
standard servers.
more focused on achieving perfection for point
I Gutnick went on to explain that ShoreTel
to point VTC calls. When properly deployed,
14.2 is lexible enough to support central-
Lync Room Systems ofer a unique solution to
ized or decentralized call control on prem-
transform your meetings from inefective time
ises or in the customer’s private cloud. Due
wasters into productive collaboration sessions
to its unique architecture, the ShoreTel
utilizing the intuitive Lync interface.
system incorporates a level of redundan- cy that delivers a truly high availability
solution through a single failover switch
contiuedfrompage3anywhere in the company’s network. In
Reduce addition, ShoreTel customers can leverage
your bank working capital by leasing equipment
VMware vMotion to enable practically
through an equipment inance provider.
zero-downtime in case of hardware or soft-
ware failure.
How lexible does your business want
In terms of scalability, ShoreTel 14.2
the inancing terms to be?
quadruples the port capacity per virtual
A lease can provide greater lexibility, since it
machine. ShoreTel virtual machines in
can be structured for a variety of contingencies,
VMware supports up to 1,000 phones and
whereas with a loan, lexibility is subject to the
500 SIP trunks. This increased capaci-
lender’s rules.
ty simpliies deployment especially for
Will you need additional equipment under
customers that choose a centralized UC
your inancing agreement? If you are planning
deployment. The ShoreTel solution can be
for growth, you can enter into a master
implemented on the customer’s choice of
lease for multiple pieces of equipment with
industry-standard virtualized servers, thus
the same basic terms and conditions. his
Upgrade to the Industry’s Choice TODAY!
Upgrade to the Industry’s Choice TODAY!
consolidating the server hardware across
provides greater convenience and lexibility
multiple applications, reducing energy
than a conditional loan contract, which must
requirements and minimizing hardware
be renegotiated for additional equipment
footprint. ShoreTel 14.2 is available now
If you’ve been searching for an addition to your premise based
If you’ve been searching for an addition to your premise based
from qualiied ShoreTel reseller partners.
ofering, or you want to add cloud to your portfolio, contact us today.
ShoreTel, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHOR) is a
ofering, or you want to add cloud to your portfolio, contact us today.
Who can help me evaluate what’s best
leading provider of “brilliantly simple” IP
for my business?
phone systems and uniied communications
When making the inancing decision, it is
solutions. Its award-winning on-premises
highly recommended that you consult with
IP-PBX solution and cloud-based hosted
your accounting professional and draw on the
phone system eliminate complexity and
resources of your equipment inancing provider
improve productivity. ShoreTel is head-
to secure the best possible terms for your lease
quartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., and has
and/or loan.
regional ofices and partners worldwide. %
For a lease/loan comparison and online |
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