Page 4 - Cisco Tribune Q2 2014
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4 2nd Quarter 2014
Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune
E911 and the Distributed Workforce
represents a significant share of IT spending with our partners and customers on their
Cisco Cloud Strategy
CLOUD worldwide, with an average of about 23 cloud journeys. From a highly secure and As the leading cloud enabler, Cisco’s
Continued from page 1 percent today expected to reach 27 percent reliable cloud platform to hosted services
cloud strategy is to help customers build,
Nby 2016. Cloud is becoming a crucial ele- and partner programs, Cisco is here to pro-
Cloud computing is an irreversible trend ment of IT in addressing today’s business vide everything you need for a profitable
deploy and consume cloud services with
its comprehensive cloud portfolio, includ-
ot too long ago, joining a physical space. is dialed from within your network? Answering Point nearest to where the
in which enterprises are moving from care- demands, as organizations are increasingly cloud journey, enabling our partners and
ing the Cisco Cloud Intelligent Network
business meeting meant Some studies claim that allowing A distributed workforce has made it call originated.
ful contemplation to industry-wide adop- looking to cloud and managed services to their customers to benefit fully from the
and the Unified Data Center platform, and
walking into a conference room employees to telecommute can improve more imperative than ever to address The Virginia Department of Taxation
tion. The latest Cisco Global Cloud Index accelerate growth and lower costs. immense advantages of cloud and achieve
to drive demand for its partners’ Cisco
or informally congregating around the
productivity by up to 20%. Factors
E911. Not only must accurate location
is one Cisco client who took measures in
(2012-2017) predicts that global cloud IP
Cisco Cloud Connections began with
their core business objectives,” said Chiu.
Powered Cloud and Managed Services. The
coffee pot. Today, increasing numbers
cited include reduced stress, increased
information be considered, the routing of
early 2014 to ensure the safety of their
traffic will increase nearly 4.5-fold over the
welcoming remarks by Barbara Chiu,
Highlights of the event included a key-
Cisco cloud partner go-to-market strategy
of organizations are sending their
flexibility, no time wasted on commuting,
the call itself becomes an issue. Anyone
distributed workforce. With hundreds of
next five years to reach 5.3 zettabytes by the
managing director, Cisco Hong Kong and
note presentation by Bob Gault, vice presi-
is based on three key roles a partner can
employees “home” to work.
and the fact that an employee can still
responsible for a multi-line telephone
employees working remotely and spread
end of 2017. Additionally, the “Impact of
Macau, who emphasized Cisco’s ongoing
dent of the Cisco Cloud and Managed
play, namely, cloud builder, cloud provider
Technology has enabled us to Instant
“go to work” while under the weather.
system (MLTS) must take proactive
out across multiple state lines, the need
Cloud on IT Consumption Models” study
commitment in innovating cloud technolo-
Services Partner Organization, featuring
and cloud services reseller:
Message a colleague, share screens with
When an organization’s network is
measures to ensure that E911 is properly
to ensure that a 9-1-1 call would route
conducted by Cisco Consulting Services
gies and driving partner go-to-market strat-
a review of “Cloud and IT: Creating New
• Cloud Builders: Build and sell Cisco-
a client, email documents and collaborate
distributed across multiple locations
configured. In recent months, national
to the correct Public Safety Answering
and Intel, which surveyed 4,226 IT leaders
egy, as well as Cisco’s role in supporting
Consumption Models”. When organiza-
centric cloud to customers and cloud
with a large group via the web. Evolving
it brings challenges, too; some not so
media has picked up on tragedies that
Point along with accurate location
in 18 industries across nine key economies,
businesses on their cloud journey.
tions consider investing in cloud, the main
communication methods have broken
might have been prevented if E911 had
information became a concern. They
“As a leader with extensive experience challenge is creating a strategy and flex-
revealed that more than four out of five
anSdomunemthaintcgheodfteenxopveertrilsoeokiend culnotuidl itt’sech- • Cloud Providers: Manage and sell Cisco
through the boundary that once required
niboltebaerecnhiltefctturnedtohnaet.allows for new busi-
were looking for a “real world solution
respondents believe that cloud will posi-
Powered Cloud Services to customers
a workforce to congregate in the same
ness innovation, reduces network complex-
tively impact their organizations. Cloud also
• Cloud Services Resellers: Resell provid- ers' Cisco Powered Cloud Services to
ity and better aligns IT costs with delivery
capabilities. Gault provided an overview
It is possible to find an E9cu1sto1mesrsolution that
of private versus public clouds, the total
addressable cloud market, Cisco’s loudCiscoPoweredCloud and
approach and cloud partner go-to-market Managed Services Emergency Responder to provide the
strategy, and how Cisco can help busi- Cisco Powered Cloud and Managed critical call routing service
nesses prepare for the evolution to a cloud Services provide a technology platform
consumption model.
for delivering secure and reliable cloud
At the event, customers and partners
services that customers will associate with
could also experience the power of a vari-
faster time-to-value, assured performance
ety of comprehensive Cisco Powered Cloud
and continuous innovation. Cisco Powered
It is possible to find an E911 solution
to a real world problem of routing E911
and Managed Services offered by the cloud
Services comprise a comprehensive port-
that will work in conjunction with Cisco’s
calls to appropriate 9-1-1 exchanges for
and managed services providers employing
folio of best-in-class, flexible and scalable
our Agency’s home based staff.” Thanks
Emergency Responder to provide the
Cisco technology. The showcase area also
solutions for cloud providers, including: -
critical call routing service. If Lori is
to VoIPConnect®, a monthly service
featured a Cisco booth, showcasing Cisco’s
Cloud Service for Hosted Collaboration
working from her home office in Los
providing E911 connectivity to Public
innovative cloud solutions such as Cisco
With the Cisco Hosted Collaboration
Angeles and suffers a stroke, when her
Safety Answering Points, this hurdle is
Meraki Cloud Managed Solution, a man-
Solution (HCS), cloud providers can offer
daughter picks up the phone on her
now behind them.
aged edge and branch networking solution
cloud-based unified communications and
work desk to dial 9-1-1 is she going to
The team at 911 Emergency Telecom
that simplifies enterprise-class networks
collaboration applications to customers.
reach emergency responders located
Company (911ETC) has several resources
and can centrally manage the wireless
Applications are delivered within a highly
in LA, or in Chicago where the core
to share as you investigate E911 for
network including switching, security and
secure, cloud-ready, virtualized platform
switch is located? The proper E911
your organization. Call us at 480-719-
devices from the cloud.
under a centralized management system.
solution will route the 9-1-1 call from 8558, email or visit
The solution helps providers differentiate
the core switch back to the Public Safety for more information.
themselves and promote value in the col-
laboration market. ☎
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is a member of the Cisco
Technology Developer
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