Page 16 - Telecom Reseller November December 2015
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Telecom Reseller

Telecom Reseller
November/December 2015

Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA
continued from page 13

consuming data.
calls in conference mode, a function that would 
In contrast, wireless IP phones are designed
likely crash even the latest smartphone. Not to 
As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best happens at the face-to-face to be held and talked into for long conference mention the battery life, which can be 20 hours of 
oyee me to be a part of a group of events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect calls. In addition to hardware bene ts, they tend talking time and 200 hours in standby for some 
and people who strive to con nually evolve as knowledgeable with people who can help you succeed.
to have higher call quality than a smartphone manufacturers. It’s no longer mobile, when that 
t the technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and connected via an app to a company’s VoIP smartphone is tethered to an outlet for most of 
I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
network. Many wireless IP phones are designed the day to charge.
to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, to consume more network bandwidth for
Wireless IP phones can also be shared by 
oyees Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
voice calls, improving voice quality and call employees, something that is impossible with a 
ry to Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet performance.
smartphone. Login and the wireless IP phone 
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
is now a mobile handset for your work phone, 
• Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, Wireless IP Phones Are Workhorses
ringing for your work number. No longer need 
f pri- giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance In addition to being designed for voice the extra mobility? Hand in the phone to the IT 
your career.
communications over Wi-Fi, wireless IP phones department for the next employee to use when 
pany can withstand a good drop on concrete and will mobility is a temporary need.
oyee? outlive a smartphone. Adopting BYOD is a much 
rticle Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
larger discussion, but realize employees can’t stick Wireless IP Phones Don’t Come
Join Today!
with an iPhone 4 and expect to be productive or with Candy Crush
Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
to compete with a wireless IP phone.
 is may ultimately be the reason you
Many wireless IP phones handle up to 10
move towards or away from smartphones
in the workplace. Wireless IP phones aren’t 
smartphones with all the distractions.  ey
also aren’t as risky, there isn’t an app store with 
thousands of so ware options that could lead to a Inc.
potential network breach.
Connect and Communicate
Wireless IP phones are mobile communication 
devices designed for getting work done.  ey can 
replace smartphones in the workplace, but at the SOLUTIONS
same time, have many di erences.
For most businesses, wireless IP phones should 
be part of an overall phone solution and do 
increase mobility of your workforce, leading to 
better collaboration and productivity. Speak with 
a telecommunications consultant to understand 
what devices, and in what combination would 
best serve the needs of all your employees and 
o ce environment. ■

Hosted UC Channel Partners: WE BUY 
Have Power to Unleash YOUR EXCESS

continued from page 10....

stage of life, should be doubling annually.

How Hosted UC Sales Are Made
Current Hosted UC channel practices shortchange 
the market. Hosted UC sales could double each 
year between now and 2020, but that would 
require di erent Hosted UC channel practices.
Indirect marketing by Hosted UC technology 
companies is the catalyst for most Hosted UC 
sales. Prospective customers are exposed to 
various calls-to-action initiated by keyword 
searches, Google Ads, radio, billboards, blogs and 
all manner of indirect marketing. Several Hosted 
UC vendors are quite good at indirect marketing. TRAINING
But having the indirect marketing tools outside 
the mastery of all channel partners creates a 
bottleneck. It keeps sales prospecting under the 
control of the few, that being Hosted UC vendors, 
rather than under the domination by the many, 
the Hosted UC channel partners. When the 
Hosted UC vendor monopolizes their indirect 
marketing and then follows-up using their call 
center reps to close sales – bypassing the channel 
partner altogether – there are consequences
for the customer, partner, and Hosted UC 
technology vendor.

rom installation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all. 
Customers see a smaller portfolio – Hosted UC 
vendors can lack a broad portfolio of products, ependent distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel
so ware and services readily available from their ication to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
channel partners – and their partners’ partners. 
By dealing only with the vendor, a customer
can miss seeing all the options available from 
the vendor’s channel partners. If the channel 800.797.2983 
partner is a distributor the customer may not see 
hundreds of complimentary solutions.
Few management services are proposed –

continues on page 21 ››
onics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise. 
with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.

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