Page 10 - NewsLync Winter 2014
P. 10

Winter 2014
NewsLync by Telecom Reseller

have remained predominantly unchanged. 
Leveraging the high-availability func- A Report on Microsoft’ s Communication Platforms From
tions included in Lync along with third-par- 
Continued from page 1
Cotinued from page 9
ty load balancing provide the most avail-
is a production of
interface and capabilities are lots and lots service FQDNs and directing them to the able and resilient solution possible. % Telecom Reseller: 
of networking protocols. Folks who spend appropriate data center location. While TM
any time with the deployment, configura- GSLB appliances direct DNS requests to For more information: www.kemptechnolo-
Microsoft® Lync
tion, or operations of Lync certainly realize the appropriate datacenter, local application
this – there’s a lot going on with the “wire,” load balancers provide reverse proxy and Subscriptions
whether that’s over the air or on copper.
Networking is very much in the DNA high availability of http/https services.
of Lync, so when the industry started rally- An example of load balance is Or change address, unsubscribe
ing around Software-Defined Networking Mobility service. In Lync 2010 a Layer Continued from page 4
Call 360 260-9708 Fax 360 260-9726
(SDN), we were excited to participate. SDN 7 VIP or Virtual Service was the mini- in real-time by sharing media and working Email 
has been defined in a bunch of ways and I mum requirement to support this. Active simultaneously on a single document, Lync 
encourage you to explore the topic, but Cookie Persistence was the preferred meth- can multiply the communication power of a Advertising 
generally you can think of two things. First, od for session affinity or stickiness and small business. As it scales to support any Marie-France Belisle
separating the low-level network functions MS-WSMAN the cookie of choice. In level of business communication, Lync can Call 514-397-9338 
into commodity hardware controlled by a 2013 these requirements have been reduced accommodate growing SMBs to empower a
software-based platform. Second, having allowing for either a Layer 4 or Layer consistent customer experience – like you’d 60 260-9708 
applications inform the software control- 7 VIP depending upon the deployment. expect from a huge, tech-savvy enterprise. %
Toll Free 3
ler of their requirements of the network. This concept started with cloud-scale data Beyond this, load balancing requirements
For more visit
Fax 360 260-9726
centers and has been moving down-market Email
as enterprise network architects realize the 
power of this model.
SDN’s primary use case has been around 
ensuring that virtual machines can be man- 
aged independently of the underlying net- 
work fabric. Here in the Lync organization, 
we think that unified communications can 
be a major beneficiary as well. In any UC 
implementation there are dozens of net- work elements – from routers to reverse 
proxies, intrusion detection systems to 
application delivery controllers, firewalls to 
session border controllers – that all need to 
be provisioned and configured correctly for 
optimal media flow. Instead of having all of 
these elements configured discretely, SDN 
provides a model for a single policy-based 
method of operations, where the applica- 
tion tells the network what needs to happen.
This is a big paradigm shift, and we have jumped in with both feet. Today, 
we’re releasing the Lync SDN API for free 
to anyone with a Lync Server deployment. 
The API provides a REST-ful data stream 
of information about media flows as they 
get started. This data can then be fed into 
an SDN controller to enlighten the network 
about what needs to happen and where.
We have outlined three primary use 
cases for this:
Diagnostics. By using the data from the API, network monitoring systems can then 
correlate between media flows in Lync and 
activities in the network that may have an 
impact on quality.
Automatically provisioning Quality of 
Service (QoS). When the controller gets 
information about a media flow starting up, it 
can instruct the network to assign the appro- 
priate marking to those packets in real time.
Orchestration. Just like it sounds, imag- 
ine all the different instruments of the network from layer one to layer seven all 
singing along in harmony.
In the coming weeks, we will go into 
more depth around each of these scenarios 
along with the partners we have been work- 
ing with deeply through the last year to 
bring these concepts to a reality. Nectar 
has a great diagnostics application that 
consumes the Lync SDN API, and Aruba 
Networks with their latest release uses the 
API to inform wireless access and priority. 
We have a lot to talk about on the industry standards work as well, with both the UCI 
Forum and Open Networking Foundation 
working diligently to understand how any 
application can operate within the SDN 
framework, and we’ve been leading the 
discussions on the applicability with UC.
To our customers, we pledge to continue 
to look to the latest technology and capabil- 
ities to advance Lync. This is still the early 
days of SDN, but we think the opportunity 
and potential here is undeniable. Finally, please join us at Lync Conference, where 
we will be talking more about SDN with 
Lync and how partners and customers are 
using the SDN API today in their deploy- 
ments. %

For more visit The Lync Team - http://social. lync team

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