Page 8 - NewsLync Winter 2014
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Winter 2014
NewsLync by Telecom Reseller

solution for Microsoft Lync 2013 proac- Lync 2013 meets the needs of UC teams 
tively manages the entire Lync UC ecosys- that require deep operational intelligence 
tem across the primary VoIP switch, third and end to end visibility and control over 
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party SBCs, network transport devices, the entire Lync UC infrastructure and ser- 
employees globally and 67 countries, our monitoring and management for Microsoft® Windows servers and end users’ desktop vice ecosystem,” he concluded.
challenge of implementing Lync are quite Lync® 2013 Unified Communications resources, as well as users’ softphone call Benefits for Managed Service Providers 
unique. Our conferencing costs were grow- environments.
quality. Organizations seeking cost effec- (MSPs)
ing roughly 20% year-over-year, which Unified Communications adoption is tive solutions to ensure quality and service For MSPs, the ReliaTel Lync 2013 man- 
was a strong incentive for change. Our goal growing exponentially, with Microsoft levels throughout their UC infrastructure are leveraging ReliaTel’s real-time multi- agement capabilities enable service provid- ers to cost efficiently deliver UC manage- 
was to replace 80% of the conferencing expenses with 20% cost and effort – Lync recently reporting well over 50 million Lync users globally. The additional features platform capabilities to achieve true end-to- ment services that meet their clients’ evolv- 
has us well on the way in achieving this of Lync 2013 are fueling further deploy- end management of quality, performance ing communications needs, without increas- 
goal” Cargill achieved their goals, utilizing ment of the technology, which is typically and capacity across their entire Lync 2013 ing their operational overhead or service 
10 AudioCodes Mediant Gateways, facili- integrated within an existing Windows net- UC environment.
delivery costs. Combined with ReliaTel’s 
tating voice call-in and call-out features for work infrastructure as an addition to the “ReliaTel’s core competency of multi- multi-vendor, multi-platform management 
their Lync conferencing.
core enterprise IPT voice switch. The result platform VoIP and UC management is vital support, multi-tenant design, and deep V oIP 
Another example of Lync success in the is a mixed voice and UC architecture that to organizations deploying Lync 2013 that QoS monitoring and analytics, the solution 
enterprise comes from Amgen, a major bio- often strains the IP network and the desk- require not only deep visibility over Lync provides a powerful platform that MSPs can 
logic and medical treatment manufacture top resources of every Lync user – a strain UC services, but also real-time quality and leverage to deliver full management services 
that employs over 20,000 and maintains that can seriously jeopardize the ROI and performance management across the pri- that consistently meet and exceed SLAs 
facilities around the globe. Their journey to productivity benefits expected from UC mary IPT switch and transport network,” without the need to increase support staff or 
Lync started very early with LCS in 2005, investments.
noted Paul Wiggins, director of conver- purchase multiple tools. ☎
following the development of OCS and The ReliaTel VoIP and UC Management
gence technologies for Tone. “ReliaTel for
eventually Lync when in 2001 they were For more visit
able to move beyond pilot projects. Now 
in 2013 they have 15 sites fully integrated 
with over 4,000 enterprise voice users. “At 
Amgen, we enabled our Lync conferencing 
in July 2013 and now host between 50 and 
60 thousand conferences every month”, 
according to Matt Humphreys, Personal 
Communications Service Owner, Amgen.
While massive improvements have been made in the Lync software and architecture, 
the hardware platforms and management 
systems surrounding Lync have seen some 
big changes too.
A key element that enabled enterprise- 
class scaling for Lync noted above was 
the introduction of the Survivable Branch 
Appliance, a network element that provides 
connectivity and survivability at branch 
offices, schools, manufacturing plants and 
other remote locations.
To support larger enterprise deploy- 
ments, we here at AudioCodes have pushed 
the scale of our One Voice for Lync product 
portfolio to new limits with the announce- 
ment of the Mediant 9000, a high-densi- 
ty Enterprise SBC that supports upward 
of 16,000 sessions – sufficient for nearly 
every enterprise.
It doesn’t stop there, this week 
AudioCodes also addresses the challenge 
of managing large Lync networks with the 
announcement of One Voice Operations Center, a software suite of network moni- 
toring and element management systems 
that will make Lync network management 
easier and reduce the operational costs of 
large networks.
You too can “think big” and join me 
in the discussion at the Lync Conference 
2014 during a brief partner technology 
presentation in the Lync Partner Theater 
on Tuesday, February 18th at 3:50 PM or 
during the “Leveraging Lync’s Ecosystem” 
session on Wednesday February 19th at 
2:45 PM. ☎
If you can’t make it to Las Vegas, you 
can still participate in the conversation 
Alan can be reached via email at alan. or on Twitter @ 
AlanDPercy ☎
To learn more, visit: http://www.audiocodes. 

Listen to the podcast at http://www.

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