Page 5 - SkypeBuzz Spring 2016
P. 5
1st Quarter 2016
SkypeBuzz by Telecom Reseller 5
systems with an IPedge Application Server. through instant messaging with colleagues who and iPad® with Cloud Sync functionality across initial start-up. Each time the user accesses a
“UCedge gives users the power to communicate
are busy or on the phone. IM individually, invite platforms now available for download from the new feature, instructions pop up to help the user.
how, where and when they want — via users to join a group IM session, or broadcast App Store.
● Enterprise Manager Personal Admin
smartphone, PC or tablet — and with whomever messages to a group.
● Multi-line Support for so phones or pairing (EMPA), a tool that enables users to self-
they want — via XMPP federation — by unifying with desk phones that enables users to have administrate their user settings.
their communications across platforms,” said UCEDGE DELIVERS NEW LEVELS multiple calls on the mobile device at the same
Brian Metherell, vice president and general OF CONVENIENCE, PRODUCTIVITY time.
manager of Toshiba America Information AND COST SAVINGS
● Customizable Buttons that give users quick Delivering feature transparency across all
Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems ● Work from virtually anywhere using dialing for any number, such as frequently dialed locations, regardless of the deployment, UCedge
Division. “UCedge increases productivity
personal or business laptops, desktops or mobile numbers and conference PINs.
is compatible with Toshiba’s VIPedge and IPedge
for users in di erent locations and on diverse devices as a business phone extension.
● Voice Mail Recording Customizable Buttons business phone solutions as well as Strata CIX
Toshiba and third-party platforms, including ● Communicate with Skype for Business server that enable users to easily start or stop recording systems with an IPedge Application Server.
Microso Skype for Business.”
users and see their presence status before calling a conversation.
UCedge is compatible with Windows 10 or later
● Voice Mail and Fax Mail Support for
and Mac OS X® 10.9 or later. It is also compatible
UCEDGE XMPP FEDERATION ● Use the same client application across all mailbox features including Inbox, Saved with a wide variety of Android and Apple mobile
MAKES IT EASIER TO COLLABORATE devices — learn it once and use it.
messages, and Deleted messages. UCedge can devices, including selected smartphone models
● Protect mobile number privacy by displaying also receive fax mail messages. Users can now from Apple, Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony and
Support for the XMPP protocol enables users only the o ce phone number in caller ID.
reply to voice mail or forward voice mail to LG, as well as tablets from Toshiba, Apple and
connected to disparate servers — deployed on- ● Connect via IM with colleagues who are another mailbox or to email.
site or in the cloud — to whitelist each other to busy or on the phone.
● Greetings Management for user to record or e UCedge client for Windows and Mac
share contacts, view presence status information, ● Rapidly nd contacts in a list synchronized change greetings.
computers is available as a download from the
exchange instant messages, and call users via with the o ce phone system and user-provided ● Follow Me feature for routing calls to any Google Chrome Web Store.
one-touch. is includes external organizations avatars.
e UCedge client for mobile devices is
using Toshiba so ware as well as Microso Skype ● Use UCedge from up to three devices at the ● Native Dialer Intercept for Callback/Callthru available as a download from the Apple App
for Business clients (via XMPP gateway) as well same time, synchronize real-time in the cloud, Operation that allows mobile users to also use Store and Google Play. All devices require a data
as other third-party systems that comply with and view consolidated instant messages and call their local phone book to make calls. (Note: plan, either cellular data, Wi-Fi® or LAN data
XMPP standards.
history from any of the devices.
available for Android users only)
access as applicable.
XMPP federation further enhances ● Enable easier connections with one-number ● Call Alert/In Call Menu that provides ● UCedge is available in four versions:
communications to ensure that users will be able reach, regardless if a user is in or out of the o ce noti cations of a missed call from the mailbox ● UCedge for Android: OS 4.x or above
to collaborate with colleagues and customers or out of the country.
so the user can easily route the call to the ● UCedge for iOS: OS 7 or above
quickly and e ciently in real-time using:
● Manage o ce voice mails easily and quickly mobile phone or other destination. A er the ● UCedge for Windows: XP, & (32- and 64-
● Contacts with avatars. Quickly nd and call with a visual interface on a mobile device.
call is answered on a mobile phone, it can be bit), 8, 8.1, 10, and Terminal Server as well as
your colleagues without having to remember ● Stay in touch and place long-distance and transferred to an extension.
Chrome Browser Version 39 or above
their internal extensions or external phone international calls to contacts from a cell phone ● Compact Mode Support for Mac/Windows ● UCedge for Mac: Mac 10.9 or above,
numbers. Upload an image to represent you in at landline rates.
so the UCedge client is shown in a smaller, Chrome Browser Version 39 or above
contacts, instant messaging, calling, voice mail ● Pair mobile devices with a Toshiba desk sizable window, which occupies very little ● Licenses for the UCedge client are provided
and call history.
phone to conveniently dial the phone via the desktop space.
as part of the VIPedge solution and are available
● Save time by seeing the status of UCedge UCedge client interface.
New Set-up Wizard and User Tutorial that as an option for the IPedge or Strata CIX systems.
users on the Toshiba phone systems, external ● Communicate via Callback/Callthru over helps the user properly con gure the device from
More at
Microso Skype for Business Server, or other cellular and so phone over LAN or Wi-Fi®.
third-party XMPP compliant system (via
federation) before you call them. See if they’re TIGHTER INTEGRATION WITH
present, busy or away, where they are and TOSHIBA’S IPEDGE AND VIPEDGE
whether they’re open for instant messaging.
● Instant Messaging (IM). Get more done ● New so phone enhancement for iPhone®
If she dials 9-1-1,
will rst responders
CloudBond 365 provides connectivity to the performance for remote branches. Whether it is
cloud on the one hand and to the PSTN on the connected to the main HQ Skype for Business
other. It facilitates a simple migration with a server deployment or a partner-hosted platform, nd her quickly?
hybrid approach, starting with only some users branch users can enjoy uninterrupted optimal
registered to the cloud and others registered to service for all communications modalities, even in
the on-premises CloudBond 365.CloudBond the case of a WAN failure.
365 can support the hybrid Cloud PBX - local Here’s a few more details:
PSTN connectivity scenario in a variety of ways ● Enables the migration to Skype for Business
enterprise voice providing the option to have full
A green eld deployment in which there was
PBX features or be homed in Cloud PBX
Don’t compromise
no prior implementation of a Lync/Skype for ● O ers a complete Skype for Business solution your employees’ safety.
Business infrastructure and the company wants to that integrates the connectivity and management
migrate some, but not all of its users to the cloud
tools in one package
A full cloud deployment for headquarters users ● Comes in di erent box edition sizes, as a
while remote branches use the local PSTN
virtualized appliance, or as a management pack With end-to-end support, our E9-1-1
An existing Lync/Skype for Business and can adapt to di erent architectures and
infrastructure where the customer may want
business models
enterprise solutions are simple to deploy
to leave o ce users homed in the on-premises ● Delivers special management interfaces for and manage. Strong expertise in complex
infrastructure for full PSTN and PBX capabilities O ce 365 and the corporate Active Directory,
but may also want to migrate information workers which automate the Hybrid or Cloud PBX environment support, such as multiple
to Cloud PBX.
From SMB up to 5,000 enterprise users, ● Supports new user management capability to UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted,
CloudBond 365 can be deployed as the main simplify user policy management
or in hybrid environments.
Skype for Business voice infrastructure, ● O ers backup and restore support
connecting to O ce 365 or in a standalone mode. ● Includes desk phone management capabilities
Leveraging the native capabilities of the Skype
for Business server, CloudBond 365 can also be Bottom-line: e evolution of telephone into Call or click today for more information
deployed in disaster recovery (all models) or full UC or rather AC-all communications is moving 877.862.2835 or
high availability modalities (CloudBond 365 Pro faster and faster. However, businesses move
Box and Enterprise Box Editions only).
more glacially and look more at LTE-long term
Providing full survivability and local PSTN evolution rather than a quick x. Audiocodes
termination, CloudBond 365 is an ideal solution has understood this evolution and brings an AC
for obtaining maximum communications
business-technology solution.