Page 25 - Telecom Reseller March April 2014
P. 25

Telecom Reseller
March/April 2014

separately across a Hadoop cluster and then • Access to the Hadoop cluster itself cloud-based Hadoop services use Secure 
combined again to arrive at the final analyt- • Communications within the cluster Shell as an authentication method for 
ics. Greatly automated, the process incor- • Cluster access to the data sources
access to the Hadoop cluster.
Continued from page 17
porates a high ratio machine-to-machine The authorizations for access among As can be imagined, securing the identi- 
Automated Access
(M2M) interaction across the cluster to these automated connections are largely ties that provide access into and across the 
The first step towards securing Big perform the calculations.
based on Secure Shell keys, because SSH Big Data environment is a critical priority. 
Data lies in understanding how the pro- It is these automated M2M connections is considered secure and has good, built- Since the technology is relatively new and 
cess works. Applying Big Data analytics that present the risk.
in support for these kinds of automated has become popular so quickly, setting up 
requires dividing up large data sets into Within a Hadoop setup there are mul- machine-to-machine (M2M) communi- adequate security of these data assets pres- 
smaller pieces, which are then analyzed
tiple authorization levels, including:
cations. Administrators in many popular
ents a challenge. Some of the issues are 
• WhosetsuptheauthorizationstorunBig
Data analytics?
• How are those authorizations managed?
• Who has access to them?
• What happens to them when the person
who set them up leaves the organization?
• Is the level of access based on “need to
know” security principles?
These issues are widespread across data 
centers as process automation takes off 
and are not unique to Big Data analytics 
operations. In fact, more than 80 percent 
of data center network communications 
are automated M2M transactions, with less 
than 20 percent associated with interactive 
user-to-machine accounts. As a result, there 
has been an explosive growth of machine 
identities, even as the ratio of interactive 
user identities within a typical enterprise 
remains flat.

Big Risk from Unmanaged M2M 
If left unaddressed, the risks will only 
multiply. The consequences are not theo- 
retical. Recent high-profile data breaches 
have used stolen or lost machine-based HELPING YOU GET THERE. GREATAMERICA.
credentials as attack vectors to steal records 
and cause millions of dollars in damages. 
While organizations have improved their 
identity and access management (IAM) 
processes for end-users, M2M identities 
have been neglected by comparison. As 
a result, mismanaged M2M connections 
across the network can be compromised 
without the organization ever knowing.
Part two of “Encrypting the Wave of 
Big Data” will examine the current pro- 
cess for managing authentication keys that 
control access to M2M identities and offer GreatAmerica is committed to helping you achieve greater 
best practices for organizations looking success by providing financing solutions and complementary 
to combat security gaps in their network 
business services.

• Innovative commercial equipment financing solutions from the largest 
private independent small-ticket equipment finance company in the U.S.

Continued from page 27
system is expensive and impactful on com- • Expertise to help you implement, finance, bill, and monitor your 
panies and their customers. Throwing out managed services: voice, print, and IT
any working system should be done only 
after careful consideration and justification.
• Fast and flexible financing from a dedicated team of communications 
On that topic, we are looking at ways to and IT professionals
expand or change the Nortel Notes column 
to incorporate or somehow address ques- 
tions about Cisco telephony systems. Any 
suggestions are welcome, as are questions. 
I cannot guarantee that Cisco PBX ques- 
tions will all be answered here, but please 
send any that you have. I’m just learning, 
but I have some resources available to me 
that may be called on. 
As above, please submit comments or questions as direct- | 888.307.2641
ed below or tweet me directly @PhilRuf using hashtag 

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