Page 21 - Telecom Reseller MarApr 2016
P. 21

March/April 2016
Telecom Reseller 21 

continued from page 13
organisations public facing websites and gathering to an organisations network. Based on their
as much information about the sites as possible, reconnaissance  ndings they will attempt to 
while simultaneously performing scans against the execute a targeted and sophisticated attack, as
attack and ultimately to data ex ltration: this is will go through, his motivations and techniques, internal networks.  rough this they are looking well as distribute malware via phishing emails and 
articulated as the “Cyber Kill Chain”
and a security strategy around it.
for any possible vulnerabilities and/or holes
social engineering with the intent of misleading an 
 e Cyber Kill Chain® was developed by In order to better understand this process
in the perimeter protection.  ey can also use employee to click a link that permits the malware 
Lockheed Martin’s Computer Incident Response and how attacks operate, the following example popular social media networks such as Facebook, to enter the network.
Team and describes the di erent stages of an outlines an attack, categorising each attack activity Twitter and LinkedIn, to learn as much about the Finally, the attacks will use brute force attacks 
attack, from initial reconnaissance to objective in the context of the Kill Chain.  e company in organisations employees, partners, suppliers, and to gain access to the network. Using di erent IP 
completion.  is representation of the attack
the example could be any company – from large employees’ family and friends as possible for the addresses and a signi cant number of computers, 
 ow has been widely adopted by organisations
corporations with global o ces, to online retail purpose of social engineering.  is process can the hackers will kick o  an automated dictionary 
to help them approach their defence strategies in businesses, or SMBs. With hackers looking for take several months but a erwards attacks will attack and a er only a few short days, their 
the same way attackers approach in ltrating their valuable data that could net a sizeable pro t from have identi ed multiple potential entry points into campaign could be successful, with malware is 
businesses. As malicious activity continues to its sale in the cyber underground, no organisation the targeted organisations network and is now installed on the victim’s computer.
threaten sensitive data—whether it is personal data is immune to being a target.
primed to initiate their attack.
Next month in Part 2 we continue to explore 
or company sensitive data—one certainty remains: the  nal steps in the Cyber Kill Chain, including 
Attackers will continue to exploit weakness to STEP 1: IDENTIFY AND RECON:  e  rst STEP 2: INITIAL ATTACK: Using several Command and Control, Discover and Spread, and 
in ltrate systems and extract data that they can step attackers usually take is to identify members attack vectors, potentially deployed from Extract and Ex ltrate, as well as how organisations 
turn into money.  e best opportunity to get of sta  within the organisation and the best di erent regions of the world to throw o  their can use this knowledge to stop attackers from 
ahead of the hacker is to understand the steps he
attack vectors to utilise.  is is done by scanning
scent, attackers will attempt to gain access
compromising their systems. n

Remarks of FCC Chairman Tom 

...continued from page 16

exclusively on private industry to build out and 
constantly upgrade our wired and wireless 
broadband infrastructure.
If communications technology is your future, you need 
Yes, the federal government subsidizes 
broadband investment in remote rural areas,
and some community leaders that believe the to be a part of TIA’s Network of the Future Conference.
broadband competition is lacking have launched 
their own municipal broadband projects.
But, for the most part, if we want world-class 
broadband networks in America – and we most 
de nitely do – we will need billions in private Four Network of the Future conference tracks
network investment year after year.
Who attends
Second, we believe competition is the
most effective tool for driving investment and TIA’s Network
innovation, while protecting consumer interests. 
Competitive markets produce better outcomes of the Future?
than highly regulated markets. That’s why
we must protect competition where it exists, Network service 
and promote competition where it may not be providers
Third, the open Internet drives the American NETWORKS OF THINGS VIRTUALIZATION
economy and serves, every day, as a critical tool Carriers
for citizens to conduct commerce, communicate, Wireless carriers 
educate, entertain, and engage in the world and cable operators
around them. The bene ts of the open Internet Private network 
are undisputed, and it must remain open.
developers and 
Starting from that baseline, we felt it was operators
critical that the Commission adopt enforceable 
net neutrality rules a year ago.
Technology buyers 
The Internet’s open design is what enables and suppliers
innovation from anyone, anywhere without Government John Donovan,
David Cohen,
Craig Silliman,
Robin Chase,
Pankaj Patel,
anyone else’s permission. It has allowed policymakers
Senior Executive Vice President, AT&T
Senior Executive Vice President, Comcast
Executive Vice President, Verizon
Co‐Founder/Executive Chairman, Veniam and Executive VP, Chief Development O cer, 
inventors in dorm rooms and garages to launch Co‐Founder, Zipcar
start-ups that became world-leading companies. Cybersecurity 
The challenge becomes how do you protect that specialists
openness when, as the D.C. Circuit Court has Analysts
observed, broadband providers have the ability 
and the incentives to degrade or favor some 
content over others.
After a year-long process that generated 
more than 4 million public comments, the Dr. Alan Messer,
Jim Cicconi, Senior Myrna Soto, Global Paul Cormier,
Brett Cortese,
Commission adopted bright line Open Internet VP of Software and Innovation, General Executive Vice President, AT&T
Chief Information Security O cer, President, Products and Technologies, President and CEO, Universal Mind
protections that ban blocking, throttling, and Motors
Red Hat
paid prioritization. Because technology and 
innovation are constantly evolving, we also Cohosted with
Also featuring
established a general conduct rule that can 
be used to stop new and novel threats to the 
AT&T’s Annual Supplier Conference OneM2M, 5G, 
USTelecom Cybersecurity Track SDN Workshops

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