Page 4 - Telecom Reseller MarApr 2016
P. 4
4 Telecom Reseller
March/April 2016
continued from page 1
Global companies are increasingly turning
Providers do not typically verify all numbers
to Uni ed Communications (UC) solutions
being delivered and the testing is rudimentary.
If she dials 9-1-1, to drive collaboration among customers, ese companies solely and sporadically test
colleagues, and partners. is technology is an electronically, which permits problematic and/
important tool for driving customer experience, or non-functioning numbers and IVR platforms
will rst responders retention, and revenue streams.
to be delivered to customers. is testing does
According to a Frost & Sullivan report; not detect ANY in-country Quality of Service
nd her quickly?
“Meetings Around the World: Charting the (QoS) issues and does not simulate the in-
Course of Advanced Collaboration,” 71 percent country user experience.
of Fortune 500 companies said they use UC It is because of the o en awed and
solutions to cut the need for business travel. limited relationships between worldwide UC
e same report also found that more than half companies and their, in-country, local telco
of those responding
partners that newly
Don’t compromise
think UC solutions
delivered worldwide
present a powerful
When new worldwide telephone telephone numbers
your employees’ safety.
alternative to in-
and IVR platforms
person o ce visits.
numbers and IVR platforms are are frequently
faulty, causing Given how
With end-to-end support, our E9-1-1 delivered to global businesses, they global companies
important these
to lose clients and services are to
enterprise solutions are simple to deploy are tested randomly by the provider compromise sales
and manage. Strong expertise in complex Setting up global businesses and the
or their local in-country telco partner.
sales and customer potential impact on
environment support, such as multiple service telephone revenue, it’s disastrous
UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted, numbers and
when the end
IVR platforms is customers encounter
or in hybrid environments.
complicated and costly. ey are the business’s
issues while attempting to contact customer
life lines for customers and employees. Being support, purchase services and products, or
100% certain that they are fully operational is make reservations because of problematic
Call or click today for more information
imperative. e time and money spent to x telephone numbers and IVR platforms. Issues
877.862.2835 or
faulty worldwide telecommunications is costly can range from improper carrier and/or local
and frustrating, but more importantly negatively PTT provisioning, incorrect dialing patterns,
a ects how a company is perceived in the geographical restrictions, etc. ese issues
marketplace, customer experience, retention, negatively impact customer retention and
and revenues.
service, sales, reservations, corporate image, and
Part two of this article will explore the pros revenues.
and cons of all available testing solutions, When new worldwide telephone numbers
enabling companies to make the most informed and IVR platforms are delivered to global
decision for their speci c customer service and businesses, they are tested randomly by the
telecom needs. n
provider or their local in-country telco partner.
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