Page 9 - Telecom Reseller MarApr 2016
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March/April 2016
Telecom Reseller 9
Yeastar Opens
C-level executives in charge of the Customer ensure agility and business continuity rather 
US Head Of ce
than exploring options on infrastructure 
O en, this variety of choices makes it replacement.
in Dallas
di cult for enterprise decision makers to
Many solution providers see companies 
select a solution that best  ts their budget and operating in the small- and mid-market 
Focus on TCO
organizational needs. Companies are selective segments as potential candidates for generating 
Yeastar, a leading telecommunications about the solutions they adopt and generally new business.  ese companies are constantly 
manufacturer, announced the operational tend to adhere to a standard set of criteria when on the look-out for technologically advanced 
expansion into the United States with the identifying suitable solutions. In turn, they are solutions that better address their business 
opening of US Head Of ce in the “Telecom more receptive to adopting and implementing challenges as they seek to stay ahead of their 
Corridor” of Dallas Texas. This new of ce will * e following is an excerpt from Frost & solutions that help them deliver services more competition and o er their own customers
provide sales (and technical) support to our Sullivan’s 2015 North American Contact quickly and e ciently without compromising a choice of means of contact. In addition, 
partners in the United States and Canada.
Centers Price/Performance Value Leadership on business standards, while at the same time o entimes multinational companies are turning 
Dallas, the “Telecom Corridor” is the ideal Award (
helping them to maintain a low total cost of to global telcos to take advantage of a consistent 
location to base a center of operations from  e North American contact center market ownership (TCO). To simplify this process, global o er.
which to accelerate the growth of the Yeastar is mature, with a plethora of suppliers of hosted solution providers should pay close attention to Frost & Sullivan recently awarded Enghouse 
business. The opening of this center marks a and premise-based solutions. A thirty plus year the needs of their customers and build tailored Interactive the 2015 North America and 
 rst overseas facility for Yeastar and heralds the history of innovation and change has created
solutions so as to ensure favorable results.
European Contact Center Price/Performance 
initial inward investment that Yeastar plans to a confusing landscape of installed systems
 e customer base for the contact center Value Leadership Award for its focus on their 
make during 2016.
and applications in need of varying levels of solutions market can be broadly segmented customers’ TCO in each business segment. 
The USA operation will be headed by Stephen upgrade and replacement.  is bodes well for into three groups – Small to Medium
Frost & Sullivan stated, “Enghouse Interactive 
Corrigan, who has recently joined Yeastar from solution providers in the contact center market, Sized Businesses (SMB), Large Enterprises is establishing itself as a  exible contact center 
3CX, where he spent over 6 years as Sales but can be a di cult landscape for businesses (Enterprise), and Service Providers.  e top solutions provider by o ering the right solution 
Director responsible for building the worldwide to navigate.
end of the marketplace is comprised of large within the right geography and with the right 
sales team and global channel operations.
Meanwhile, consumers are changing. Today telecom companies alongside business process deployment method for the customer. It o ers 
Stephen is a well-known  gure in the they demand fast resolution to issues, prefer outsourcers (BPOs) and specialist service targeted contact center solutions speci c
telecommunications sector, and brings a wealth self-service over live agent assistance, and want providers.
to the needs of each of the aforementioned 
of experience to Yeastar, having worked in to interact on their channel of choice even
 ese companies are more focused on business segments, with a focus on ensuring 
leadership roles within the telecommunications as they regularly switch choices throughout o ering true hosted capabilities on a pay-as- its customers attain a positive return on 
and technology industries for over 35 years,
the day.  is has created challenges for you-go or subscription basis. Most of their investment (ROI) with lower total cost of 
business owners, contact center managers, and
customers are migrating to the cloud to
ownership (TCO).” n
continues on page 10 ››
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