Page 22 - AI CX White Paper by Mark Daley
P. 22

EX = Employee Experience.
With all the layoffs in tech since the beginning of the year, it’s paramount that tech companies start to measure the employee experience of those that remain. Those keepers are the ones keeping your customers. Simple Incentive Marketing Programs can keep employees engaged and focused on the right things. Some people refer to this as Gamification, however, these programs have been around since last century with non-salespeople who become profiecient in keeping customers. Non salespeople, customer service people who are typically, non-risk takers don’t always recommend products or services because they are not incented to. To change that, a simple points program that is measurable and provides the employee a website full of items to choose from can be implemented inside of 30 days and is usually self-funding. This type of program can be rolled out easily with limited training and during a time of recession, can help you keep customers and employees during a downturn. This is a conversation for another time, but a couple of names to drop here are Calusa Marketing as they do a phenomenal work in both internal and external incentive marketing/rewards programs to keep customers and employees engaged. Smartz-Solutions has a different approach and ties in some technology to measure CX and EX and I’ve only learned of their existence recently through a friend, but certainly worth a look.

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