Page 5 - 3CX June 2015
P. 5
June 2015
3CX Drilldown 5
continued from page 1
l he cloud Service Level Agreement
here will be many conditions, mostly business (SLA) does not satisfy the business availability/
not technical, which will make the selection of a reliability requirements. 99.9% availability is not
UC cloud solution undesirable. It may take only good enough.
one of these conditions to select an on-premises l he inancial credits ofered by the cloud
system. he organization that wants to have an provider when there is service failure do not ofer
on-premises system usually has one or more any substantial monetary payment to ofset the
reasons for continuing with the on-premises cost of an outage.
l he business has signiicant seasonal
l he business is capital intensive so an OPEX traic luctuations where the cloud contract
approach (like cloud UC service) does not it costs cannot be easily reduced without inancial
into its inancial approach. heir proitability is penalties.
inluenced by their capital investment.
l here is no SLA covering the voice quality
l he TCO over three to four years costs more since it is most likely that the voice calls will
for the business than buying and maintaining an traverse the Internet.
on-premises system.
hose operating and maintaining the on-
l he business already owns an on-premises premises system are unionized and the business
system and is satisied that it meets their UC cannot negotiate a change to those employees’
status nor efectively reassign the union
l he on-premises system has a few years of employees.
life remaining and can be maintained.
he business has to evaluate the UC
l he business has virtualized server capacity cloud oferings if only to determine that the
that can easily support UC functions.
Caption xxxxxx
cloud service is not applicable. he hype
l UC is mission critical and the business is recommending the cloud is just that hype. he
concerned about reliability and support. he termination is not negotiable.
support the business’s processes is not ofered by features and functions of the UC cloud can
business cannot justify moving to the cloud even l Signing a cloud contract can create
the cloud service.
all be duplicated with an on premises system.
when it may be less expensive.
provider lock-in which the business wants to l he compliance, regulatory, and security herefore, the on premises vs. the cloud decision
l he on-premises system is covered by avoid.
requirements of the business do not allow will most likely be made based on businesses
contracts that will not expire soon and contract
l he feature customization required to
outsourcing to a cloud provider.
issues. n
3CX AND The 3CX platform offers the same functions, features, and Microsoft integration
as Skype for Business, but at a lower cost. 3CX Phone System for Windows is a
software based PBX that works with SIP standard based IP Phones, SIP trunks
and VoIP Gateways to provide a full PBX solution, but without the administrative
and maintenances costs of old fashioned PBXs. 3CX runs on Windows, and has
integration with Ofice 365. The platform offers functionality, simplicity and savings.