3CX Spring 2014
P. 1

Drill Down

A Special Report from Telecom Reseller

3CX-ITReseller7.58x9.92.pdf 1 2/26/2014 5:00:04PM

3CX: Growing for the future

By Bianca Allery, Marketing year. Currently 3CX has 70 plus staff er players this year and is now one of the Quarterly PBX/IP PBX Analysis, said “3CX 
Operations Manager of 3CX
members worldwide. There are 30,000+ fastest growing PBX companies according
is without question a significant emerging 
3CX is a growing presence in the IP PBX customers and more than 10,000 partners player in the global market for IP PBX to MZA consultants.
market. 3CX is expanding at 40% each
worldwide. 3CX is overtaking several larg-
extensions and call control licenses. In terms Will Parsons, co-reporter
of MZA’s
of our latest research, 3CX is the fastest 
growing vendor over the last four quarters 
and in Q3 2013. Our latest research has shown that against a backdrop of a 7% year- 
on-year global market decline in Q3 2013, 
3CX’s volume of call control licenses grew 
by 52% year-on-year. In a time of where 
business budgets are often restricted due to 
economic constraints, the cost savings, the 
ease of maintenance and the full functional- 
ity 3CX Phone System provides, has proved 
to have wide appeal in the market place”

3CX Culture
The culture nurtured at 3CX at a tech- 
nology level is that of being an innovator. 
3CX is an innovator of communications 
solutions. 3CX is a technology leader in 
many areas such as mobility, productivity, 
and ease of deployment. The 3CX team is comprised of hand-picked individuals who 
realize the importance of our resellers and

See ALLERY, page 2
Are resellers 
doing enough for MY 
VoIP security?

By Nick Galea, CEO, 3CX
oIP security is a growing con- 
cern for businesses and can be 
costly if not addressed proper-
ly. The Communications Fraud Control 
Association (CFCA) 2013 global fraud 
report http://cfca.org/pdf/survey/ 
pressrelease.pdf shows IP PBX and VoIP 
hacking together produce losses of over $8 
billion annually.
Security is not a one-time fix, but a con- 
stant ongoing battle and both companies and resellers need to be ever-vigilant to 
reduce the risk. This means ensuring they 
secure the IP PBX and apply updates to 
the operating system as well as apply the 
updates of the IP PBX software itself. The 
best way to achieve this is by choosing a 
mainstream operating system that admin- 
istrators know how to manage and an IP 
PBX vendor that is committed to security 
and releasing security updates as needed. 
Resellers need to select an IP PBX for 
customers that they are comfortable with 
administering on the customer’s behalf, or 
ensuring that the customer is able to admin- 
ister the IP PBX.
See GALEA, page 2

The Bureau, Inc. 
Stuart, Florida 34995-1826
P.O. Box 1826

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