Page 11 - AvayaExtra Spring 2016
P. 11

1st Quarter 2016
Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 11
Avaya Announces 2015 Channel 

Partners of the Year and 2016 

Channel Priorities

To honor nearly a dozen stand-out organizations Meridian IT
within its partner community, Avaya, a global ● Support Services Partner of the Year
leader in business communications so ware, (Americas International): TELMEX (Mexico) 
systems and services, today announced its Avaya ● Innovation Partner of the Year:
Connect Partners of the Year for 2015.  ese ● Services Innovation Partner of the Year
channel partners were recognized at Avaya’s (U.S.): Meridian IT
annual Executive Partner Forum in San Diego, ● Services Innovation Partner of the Year
Calif., an event dedicated to partner engagement (Americas International): CONNEX
and growth priorities for the year.
● Avaya Networking Partner of the Year: 
 e Avaya Connect Partner Program is a global ● Networking Partner of the Year (U.S.):
reseller program that makes it easy for partners to Integration Partners
get fast access to Avaya resources and innovations. ● Networking Partner of the Year (Americas
 e program focuses on the transformation International): Combat Partners
occurring in the industry and how channel ● Avaya Growth Partner of the Year 
partners can capitalize on the shi .
● Growth Partner of the Year (U.S.):
Avaya will continue to drive the partner- Integration Partners
enablement strategy that addresses growth ● Growth Partner of the Year (Americas
opportunities in the midmarket and enterprise International): EVOX
with  exible, cloud-based services available ● Avaya Emerging Partner of the Year
through the channel.
● Emerging Partner of the Year (U.S.): Gage
 e event also celebrated those Avaya Connect Telecom
Channel Partners who have successfully driven ● Emerging Partner of the Year (U.S.): Step CG 
business outcomes for their customers. Channel ● Emerging Partner of the Year (Americas
partners receiving awards at this year’s conference International): A5 Solutions
are innovation catalysts that help Avaya achieve In 2016, Avaya will look to the channel for
growth metrics in key areas. Based on these growth in key solution areas and alignment
criteria, Avaya recognized the following channel with services strategy while accelerating growth 
partners in the United States and Americas through innovation and e ciencies that reduce 
International (comprised of Canada, Central and purchase and renewal quote times. With
Latin America):
these advancements, Avaya expects to
● Avaya Midmarket Partner of the Year:
continue improving the ease with which partners 
● Avaya Midmarket Partner of the Year: (U.S.) can do business with the company and build on 
Carousel Industries of North America, Inc.
the continued rise in satisfaction scores it has seen 
● Midmarket Partner of the Year (Americas since 2014.
International): Cable & Wireless
For further details on the Avaya Connect 
● Avaya Services Partner of the Year:
program or on becoming an Avaya Connect 
● Support Services Partner of the Year (U.S.):
channel partner, visit:

Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive & Well with 

Renewed Avaya Channel Partner Program

If she dials 9-1-1, 
New and greater rewards, opportunities to drive incentives and making them more potent. 
growth and proitability, reduced requirements Partners will spend less time researching and 
will  rst responders keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well
applying for incentives and have more time to 
Avaya, a leading global provider of business grow their Avaya business with new customers 
 nd her quickly?
communications software, systems and and markets.
services, announced the next evolution of the ● More equals even more - Partners with
company’s channel partner program. With a the greatest scope and capacity across all 
large and loyal base of channel partners, Avaya Avaya solutions will be eligible for additional 
is encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit of these incentives along with discounted co-delivery 
companies with a host of new advancements services. Motivated, fast-growing experts 
that drive growth, increase rewards and reduce expanding key market segments such as 
Don’t compromise administrative requirements.
midmarket, networking and cloud can also enjoy 
your employees’ safety.
Steve Biondi, Global Channel Chief for Avaya the fruits of their efforts with extra rebates.
● Best foot forward gets rewarded: 
“Avaya Channel Partners start from a position Customers demand exceptional support.
With end-to-end support, our E9-1-1 of strength, equipped with a portfolio of uniied Avaya’s next generation Co-Delivery Partner 
communications, customer experience and program recognizes Avaya partners who deliver 
enterprise solutions are simple to deploy networking solutions that is unmatched in the exceptional customer experiences. Starting in 
and manage. Strong expertise in complex industry. We are making that position even FY17, partners will be measured against industry 
stronger with new program elements that will leading key performance indicators and metrics. 
environment support, such as multiple bolster their capabilities and reach as we Enhanced customer support leads to increased 
streamline how we work together. We want customer stickiness and loyalty, and increased 
UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted, and need our channel partners to be successful revenue opportunities for our partners.
or in hybrid environments.
and our customers to be happy - we can only do Paul Edwards, director, infrastructure 
that as a united front that respects the individual channels and ecosystems, IDC, said:
concerns of each party.”
“We are in a time of intense transformation 
Call or click today for more information
Changes in the Avaya Connect partner for channel companies and their customers. 
program include:
To stay one step ahead of market demands, 
877.862.2835 or
● All New Growth Bets -- This new growth vendors need to continually assess and evolve 
program will speciically appeal to Avaya their channel programs in ways that support, 
channel partners willing to go where few have encourage and empower their entrepreneurial 
gone before to break new ground in ive speciic spirit.”
areas of market opportunity: Midmarket, Contact Avaya Connect channel partners will hear 
Center, Fabric Networking, Modernize the from Steve Biondi and his team during a live 
Customer Base and Cloud.
session of the Virtual Partner Forum today. The 
● Less is more – Avaya is optimizing existing sessions will be recorded and accessible on 
beneit programs by consolidating numerous
demand from the Avaya Virtual Partner Forum.

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