Page 3 - AvayaExtra Spring 2016
P. 3

1st Quarter 2016 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 3 
Avaya Dives Headlong into Hybrid with Midmarket Cloud Solutions

Avaya, a global leader in business new capabilities based on business needs, while multichannel contact center capabilities. End strong and healthy while providing customers 
communications so ware, systems and services, leveraging existing investments in call control, customers such as Diligent Bene ts are already with solutions delivered in the preferred fashion. 
today announced its  rst complete, multichannel phones and more. Companies have more serving their customers via OnAvaya - Google A solid program for channel partners to deliver 
uni ed communications and contact center control over expenses and the rate at which full Cloud Platform.
hybrid cloud brings the best of both worlds: 
cloud o ers targeted for the midmarket. Avaya migration to cloud occurs, in addition to quickly Avaya Midmarket Cloud Solutions is the leveraging existing expertise and customer 
Midmarket Cloud solutions are two  exible bringing on new locations.
latest in a series of Avaya programs focusing
relations to provide the cloud resources and new 
deployment options, enabling Avaya channel Avaya Midmarket Cloud Solutions
on enabling channel partners and midsize deployment approaches that can take everyone to 
partners to seamlessly evolve midsize companies now support full, multichannel uni ed companies evolve communications to meet the next stage of growth.” - Ray Boggs, VP Small 
to the advanced capabilities needed for digital communications and contact center capabilities, today’s requirements for mobile, digital and Medium Business Research, IDC
business. Both options, Powered by Avaya IP more operating systems and devices than any business. Avaya channel partners interested in “Many midmarket companies are seeking 
O ce and OnAvaya - Google Cloud Platform, competitive cloud o er (PC and MAC web delivering Avaya Midmarket Cloud Solutions practical, cost-e ective ways to activate the 
can enable true, hybrid clouds that allow clients and Chrome OS), as well as the unique can complete the Avaya MM Priority Cloud multichannel communications capabilities 
customers to maximize their investments in more capabilities of Avaya Communicator for Web Partner Application. Currently, partners outside expected by today’s consumers. For those
than 1 million Avaya systems worldwide1.
that enables communications from any browser- the US are only eligible for the Partner Powered seeking an OPEX solution, the ScanSource 
Based on the world-class, Avaya IP O ceM based application.
by Avaya IP O ce option and therefore must be Catalyst Powered by Avaya IP O ce solution is 
Platform, Avaya Midmarket Cloud Solutions are Partner Powered by Avaya IP O ce -  is able to provide the infrastructure or host in the the answer for those needs. Now, our channel 
the only uni ed communications and contact cloud option is now globally available to quali ed data center of choice.
partners can truly support their midsize 
center cloud o ers for midsize businesses in the channel partners who wish to install the solution QUOTES
customers in the cloud and grow their business in 
market that utilize the same code base as those in the data center of their choice. Tested and “Avaya channel partners have a signi cant
new and exciting ways.”
installed on premises.  e bene ts of a single proven during controlled introductions with
role to play in cloud deployments for midsize Ansley Hoke, vice president of merchandising, 
code base for deploying hybrid clouds cannot be 10 Avaya channel partners, Partner Powered
companies with their established knowledge
ScanSource Catalyst
by Avaya IP O ce is already serving several of the customer and expertise with Avaya “We’re using technology to transform the 
For channel partners -- this is the easiest, thousand end-users in North America and products. Now, they have even more  exibility experience of buying life insurance. We don’t
most  exible and pro table means of moving Europe.
with which to approach the customer by o ering do one size  ts all.  e OnAvaya - Google 
customers to cloud, o ering a full stack
OnAvaya - Google Cloud Platform - Currently hybrid cloud solutions in a market that has Cloud Platform solution actually mirrors our 
solution anyway customers want it, simplifying available in the US-only, the initial solution considerable growth potential and is looking for a methodology at Diligent -- a commitment to 
integration, leveraging product knowledge and announced last Spring has been broadened to cost-e ective path to advanced communications.” providing a turn-key solution. It’s a complete 
experience and reducing the need for investment make it easier for selected partners that do not - Steve Biondi, Global Channel Chief, Avaya
solution and it’s a great value.” - John Wilhelm, 
in new skill sets.
have the infrastructure to host and manage their “Businesses, especially midsize ones, need a founder, Diligent Bene ts (Avaya end customer)
For customers -- a hybrid cloud option based own cloud.  e solution also has expanded now clear and practical path to the cloud. Channel More at
on Avaya IP O ce enables the deployment of
include full uni ed communications as well as
partners do as well, to keep their businesses

InfoPlus Brings Automation to 
Avaya Adds Another Trophy to Its Case; Honored Once 

Large Avaya Dial Plan Expansion
Again for Delivering ‘World-Class’ Customer Service

Avaya announced today it has received the said Mike Runda, senior vice president of 
NorthFace ScoreBoard Award from Omega Avaya Client Services. “Building the model Telserv, an Avaya Platinum Partner, approached changes were completed, InfoPlus so ware 
Management Group Corp. in recognition of of omnichannel customer engagement InfoPlus for assistance with an extensive Avaya accurately detected AND resolved all numbering 
achieving excellence in customer service excellence has led to quicker resolution dial plan expansion project for Tu s Health con icts across the entire dial plan.
and support in 2015. Since 2000, the award times and soaring customer satisfaction Plan - a Massachusetts-based provider of health “ e Tu s Health Plan dial plan expansion 
has been presented annually to companies scores beyond our initial expectations. We insurance.
and cutover went extremely well. We le  the site 
that, as rated solely by their own customers, thank all of our customers and employees  e enormous task at hand was to modify the around 4:30 on Saturday morning a er testing 
exceeded expectations in customer who lead the customer experience existing CS1000 database and convert the dial the database uploaded by InfoPlus. Monday 
satisfaction during the prior calendar
revolution now and into the promising plan from 4 to 5-digit dialing across the entire morning, the queues were full and calls were 
year. Omega is an expert in customer future.”
user footprint.
processing seamlessly. At the end of the day, it
experience management (CEM) strategy Omega’s methodology measures customer  e Solution? InfoPlus Digit Expansion le  quite an impression on the customer. As you 
and helps companies boost revenue and satisfaction and loyalty levels on a 5-point Service. Using proprietary so ware developed know, there were many applications and elements 
proits by consistently exceeding customer scale four times during the year in such speci cally for complex projects such as this, that linked o  the new dial plan. Certainly, 
expectations for service quality.
categories as technical support, ield InfoPlus was able to quickly extract the existing InfoPlus’ diligence helped make this project an 
“The NorthFace ScoreBoard Award service, customer service and account CS1000 database, determine the modi cations overall success.  anks again - I’ll be calling you 
recognizes organizations that not only offer management. NorthFace ScoreBoard Award required to support the customer’s new dial plan guys on the next project.” -Bill Fellows, Co- 
exemplary customer service, but also center recipients are companies who, based
speci cations and then implement thousands
Owner/Partner Telserv, L.L.C.
their existence on a deep commitment to solely on survey responses from their own of changes in an o ine environment. As the
More at
exceeding customer expectations,” said customers, achieved a 4.0 or above out of a 
John Alexander Maraganis, president & CEO possible 5.0.
of Omega. “In 2015, more than 275 projects, “Due to its unique ‘customer-only vote’ Avaya Recognized by TSIA for Achieving 
many international in scope, were judged criteria, the NorthFace ScoreBoard Award 
from scores of companies based in the U.S. has been viewed from its inception as the Operational Best Practice Certiication
and abroad. The majority of companies are only objective benchmark for excellence 
repeat recipients, which shows that despite in customer service,” Maraganis said. “Our 
the tough economy, implementing a CEM research indicates that companies that 
strategy is a reliable, proven way to achieve consistently achieve a 4.0 rating or
Avaya, a global leader in business Industry Association (TSIA), is a rigorous 
business success.”
above, which we call the ‘Loyalty Zone,’ communications so ware, systems and services, certi cation process that inspects the capabilities 
“Winning the prestigious NFSBA are succeeding in locking in proitable, today announced that it has achieved the
of an organization across all relevant aspects of 
reafirms our ive-year investment and long-term customer relationships, and TSIA Rated Outstanding, Assisted Support their operation on behalf of their customers. 
hours of dedication to building the best this signiicantly raises the bar on their North America Certi cation as part of TSIA’s  is detailed audit allows these organizations
customer experience possible at our next competitors.”
Operational Best Practices certi cation program.
to ensure that they are delivering outstanding
generation omnichannel contact center,”
More at
 e Operational Best Practices (OBP) 
program, conducted by the Technology Services
continues on page 8 ››

Soia knows 


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