Page 3 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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2nd Quarter 2015 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya 3
Avaya Acquires Esna to Accelerate Communications- 911 ETC’s
Enabled Applications for Effortless Engagement
CrisisConnect for
VoIP Now Rated
Avaya announced it has completed the For IT departments, the lexible, open With Esna and Avaya, that’s the value proposition
acquisition of Esna Technologies Inc. (Esna),
approach delivered by Avaya and Esna can allow -- coming soon to a browser near you.”
“Avaya Compliant”
a provider of real-time collaboration and their company to leverage their existing, multi- Gary E. Barnett, SVP and GM, Avaya
communications sotware, to accelerate
vendor communications infrastructure and Engagement Solutions
with IP Ofice
the adoption of communications-enabled easily integrate new technologies from Avaya and
applications for both enterprises and midmarket other vendors into cloud-based applications -- an “Esna and Avaya are building the future
companies. hrough the acquisition, Avaya will approach that can help companies avoid vendor of collaboration experience -- a future where 911 Emergency Telecom Company (911
enable end-users to easily access multi-vendor lock-in. Further, a thin client can speed the communication is embedded directly into the ETC), a leading E911 services provider, today
communications capabilities -- voice, video, IM/ presence, conferencing and messaging -- from introduction and adoption of new technologies for more successful deployments. Developers will applications, processes and worklows that drive how work gets done. By uniting our strengths announced that CrisisConnect for VoIP is compliant with key uniied communications
within cloud-based business applications using be able to create new innovative web and mobile and resources, we’ll be able to ofer truly solutions from Avaya, a global provider of
their device of choice.
applications that are more dynamic and increase innovative solutions that give companies real solutions that enable customer and team
See the video: Gary E. Barnett, SVP and GM competitive diferentiation.
choice when it comes to the applications and engagement across multiple channels and
for Avaya Engagement Solutions, talks about the Founded in 1989, Esna is headquartered
devices they use to communicate and collaborate devices for better customer experience,
customer value proposition of Avaya and Esna at in Richmond Hill, Ontario. he transaction with their employees, customers and partners.” increased productivity and enhanced inancial
includes the acquisition of intellectual property, Mohammad Nezarati, CEO, Esna
A tightly integrated, Esna-enabled Avaya assets, employees and customers of Esna. Esna is CrisisConnect for VoIP helps businesses
Communicator web client will be available for now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avaya.
“Businesses today require lexibility and choice across all verticals manage E911, routing
both the Avaya IP Oice® and Avaya Aura® in how people communicate and collaborate. outgoing 9-1-1 calls to the correct Public
platforms with out-of-the-box video and voice Quotes
Esna and Jive have efectively partnered
Safety Answering Point along with accurate
capabilities that can be embedded into public or “For all the efort that the industry has invested to provide options that enhance employee location information. he application is now
private cloud-based business applications. he in business communications, most ofers fall productivity and customer experiences. Avaya’s compliance-tested by Avaya for compatibility
‘headless’ thin client helps improve engagement, woefully short of the seamless user experience acquisition of Esna further empowers people
with IP Oice 9.0. It is also compliance-tested
productivity and mobility by reducing the that leads to efortless engagement. It’s time for to work in a way that supports their own work by Avaya for compatibility with Avaya Aura®
disruption caused by shiting in and out of the convergence of communications and business style. We look forward to continuing to work Communication Manager 6.0.1 using Avaya
applications or changing devices. For end applications, time for enabling communications with Esna in this next chapter.”
Aura Session Manager 6.1.
customers, decreased efort in communicating from the browsers of public or private cloud- Jason Khoury, head of communications, Jive ■
911 ETC is a Technology Partner in the Avaya
with a company and improved experience of based applications people use every day, and time DevConnect program—an initiative to develop, More at
using multimodal ways to engage can lead to higher satisfaction, increased sales and faster for the user experience to be one click to engage.
market and sell innovative third-party products that interoperate with Avaya technology and
extend the value of a company’s investment
Read the blog: Escaping vendor siloes by Gary in its network. Its CrisisConnect solution is Founded in 1989, Esna is headquartered in Richmond
E. Barnett, SVP and GM, Engagement Solutions, available through the Avaya DevConnect Select Hill, Ontario. The transaction includes the acquisition of
Avaya at
Product Program.
Read the blog: Connecting Avaya to the world As a Technology Partner, 911 ETC is eligible
intellectual property, assets, employees and customers of
of cloud-based applications by Mohammad Esna. Esna is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avaya.
Nezarati, CEO, Esna at
continues on page 11 ››
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