Page 4 - Avaya Extra Q2 2015
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Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
2nd Quarter 2015
Avaya &
WebRTC adoption is secure winning the Zero Moment of Truth.
changing not only the here is an inversely proportional relationship
between the efort required to establish the
customer experience but communication and the value perceived by
also the agent experience the customer. herefore, the goal of ofering
embedded real-time voice and video is that the
inside the contact center
customer is not required to install plugins, VPN
clients or perform a setup to establish the video
call, regardless of the endpoint device (PC,
Yet, today’s consumers know so much more smartphone, or tablet).
before they reach the shelf. hey can ind For the company ofering the product
incredible details online, make comparisons or service, it is critical to be able to route
and purchase online. he process of browsing this call through the existing contact
REPORT or digging, as well as the “explore and compare” stage has been deined by Google as the Zero center infrastructure, reusing the current automatic call distribution systems, reporting
Moment of Truth (ZMOT).
platforms, call recording solutions, Workforce
A study about ZMOT in Mexico– Management, and CRM desktop integrations.
commissioned by Google in 2014 for products Additionally, security is a big concern,
like appliances, traveling and banking services– since the contact is originated from the public
revealed that 49% of consumers purchased Internet and attended by a customer service
their most recent airline ticket online and 41% representative that is connected to a corporate
of consumers who purchased oline have also network behind an enterprise irewall. New
made online purchases.
techniques and protocols are required to
WebRTC: Winning
Some 25% of respondents argue that
allow this real-time traic to traverse irewalls
they did not purchase online because they according to the corporate security policies.
required a salesperson’s assistance. It has
hese types of communications are now
been determined that additional value can be possible as a result of the WebRTC (Web
had by enabling real-time communications Real Time Communications) a speciication the Zero Moment
(voice and video) during that Zero Moment of evolution enabled by HTML5. WebRTC is not
Truth, generating real customer engagement. only a speciication deined by the World Wide
Customers can perceive additional value if the Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet
call also includes luid context propagation Engineering Task Force (IETF) but also an of Truth
from their Web session (name, customer ID, industry initiative sponsored by companies like M
product(s) selected), preventing repeating all this information when the call is received by the Avaya and Google.
Avaya solutions enable customers to initiate ost smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day. his behavior,
free calls from their Web navigation session as well as growing high-speed Internet
his type of enhanced communication that are as simple as a click-to-call session. penetration, have changed how consumers
enables the utilization of previous customer Enterprises could recognize additional beneit Gcreate shopping lists and purchase services.
navigation context to propose better ofers of reducing the use of 1-800 toll free services OMES
he classic mental model for marketing
tailored to the customer. he agent is because the call uses the public Internet.
considers three critical moments: stimulus (i.e.
transformed from being a customer service he solution–enabled by Avaya Engagement
TV commercial), the irst moment of truth By Juan Pablo Gomez
representative to a consulting salesperson (when the consumer is in front of the shelf), and Consulting Systems Engineer at Avaya for the Caribbean and
who could handle customer objections and
GOMES continues on page 13 ››
the experience using the product or service.
Latin America
AudioCodes One Voice
for Microsoft Lync
Lync-compatible IP Phones
SBCs and Gateways
Branch Ofice Survivability
• Fully integrated with Lync
• Connect Lync to legacy and IP-based PBXs • Uninterrupted Lync services in cases of
• Presence monitoring
and the PSTN
lost WAN connecivity
• High-deiniion voice quality (RTAWB/WB)
• Secured SIP Trunking
• Integrated data services
• Extensive set of essenial enterprise phone features
• Integrate fax machines and analog devices
• Advanced call rouing capabiliies
• Secured SIP trunk and PSTN fallback
Applications for Lync
Network & Service Management Tools
Professional Services
• Connect 3rd party SIP phones
• OAM&P tools for pre-deployment staging • Global services porfolio for partners
• Lync-qualiied passive call recording
and live networks
• Planning, design and implementaion
• Auto-atendant with lexible IVR and addiional
• Integraion with Microsot SCOM
• Extensive post-sales support opions
subscriber feature
• Voice quality monitoring with Session
• Applicaions may run on AudioCodes SBA hardware
Experience Manager (SEM)
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