Page 10 - Cisco Tribune Q1 2016
P. 10

10 1st Quarter 2016 NEWS l PRODUCTS l PEOPLE l EVENTS
Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune 

Netformx Discovery is Now
HPE, Cisco and Microsoft Lead in Huge 
highest growth was seen in virtualization 
Available to Cisco Smart Net Total Data Center Infrastructure Market
software, blade servers and integrated 
Care Service Customers security platforms. The largest single 
continued from page 8....
product segment is rack servers which 
account for 34% of the total market.
“Data centers are the foundation of New Q3 data from Synergy Research continues to lead in service provider 
cloud services and this has driven annual Group shows that HPE, Cisco and hardware thanks to its dominance of data 
upgrade, enhancement, and replacement spending on data center networking, Microsoft continue to lead in the three center networking and its rapidly growing 
opportunities. Netformx Discovery is a compute and storage toward the $120 main data center infrastructure market server business. Data center software is 
premier partner solution selected by Cisco billion mark,” said Jeremy Duke, Synergy segments -- enterprise data center the smallest of the three segments and
to optimize the bene ts of Smart Net Total Research Group’s founder and Chief hardware, service provider data center it is totally dominated by Microsoft, with 
Care Service for enterprise and commercial Analyst. “The mass adoption of public hardware and data center software VMware being the only other vendor with 
cloud services has created the need for respectively. Enterprise hardware accounts substantive market share.
A company’s IT infrastructure is the widespread deployment of hyperscale data for over half of the market and in Q3 HPE Total Q3 spend on data center 
lifeline that connects their business to centers and has led to record spending on extended its lead and grew its market infrastructure grew by 3% year on year to 
customers and suppliers. Cisco Smart Net service provider data center equipment. share to 24%. For HPE this continues a reach $29 billion, with most of the growth 
Total Care helps protect the infrastructure While the market dynamics are different trend of gradually growing its share of
coming from service provider hardware 
by providing technical services and for private cloud, it too will drive enormous the enterprise hardware market. Service which grew by over 20%. Data center 
automated smart capabilities that maintain changes in the investment patterns for provider data center hardware is a much infrastructure includes servers, server 
high network service levels. Smart enterprise data center hardware, software, smaller market than enterprise, but it is OS, storage, networking, network security 
capabilities delivered through the Smart and services.” n
growing very strongly in contrast to the and virtualization software. Among the 
Net Total Care portal provide actionable More at
relatively  at enterprise market. Cisco
individual product segments some of the
information and automation to support
an organization’s network. Customizable 
screens show up-to-date information about 24 Telecom Reseller
September/October 201
the installed base, the service coverage, 
product lifecycles, and security and product 
alerts that apply to the network. Smart Net INTERACTION RECORDING 
Total Care enables organizations to resolve AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT 
problems faster, mitigate risk, and improve SOLUTIONS
operational ef ciency.
Smart Net Total Care users can now use 
the Netformx Discovery engine to quickly 
assess their networks themselves and to 
upload the results to the Smart Net Total Interaction 
Care portal.
They can gain insights on, for example, Recording
equipment that is underpowered or 
underutilized, end-of-life or out-of-service, or And Quality 
potential security vulnerabilities. Netformx 
Discovery information provided to the Management
Smart Net Total Care portal also identi es 
topology, equipment, and con guration data Solutions
as well as end-of-support and resource gaps. 
The end customer can then choose how
they want to rectify any issues uncovered 
in the analysis, such as upgrading existing 
RECITE Xpress is a seamless, feature-rich SMB/ SME customer interaction management system Simple User Interface
that enhances interaction analysis, delivers RECITEM has been designed for easy cutover 
l Netformx Discovery creates a baseline a solution to meet compliance requirements from one Call Recording System to another. 
and audit of a customer’s actual network and ful lls speci c needs in the contact center Through the intuitive web based user interface, 
and provides insights on technology and back o ce environments. RECITEM the RECITEM user experience makes it easy to 
upgrade, replacement, and enhancement can be tailored to meet various enterprise navigate through calls and playback, while making other RECITEM Software Modules available from a 
requirements by combining various software modules to provide a clear, concise view of single screen. Whether the end user is familiar with 
l Cisco chose Netformx for Smart Net the agent and customer experience. The other software or not, the user can be functional 
Total Care thanks to joint success working RECITE Xpress call recording module delivers with RECITEM in minutes, without losing valuable 
through Cisco partners. In 2014 Netformx one-hundred percent logging to an entire s  raining.
enabled 77% of CSA discoveries, with more organization or to a selective group within 
than 5 million devices uploaded by over the organization. The RECITE Xpress Suite A Wide Range of Integrations
2,600 partners globally.
also includes a Quality Management module which enables an organization’s supervisors RECITEM can capture voice from a wide range 
l The results of the discovery are to evaluate employee interactions through the PSTN and Communication Systems including 
uploaded to the Cisco Smart Net Total Care use of customizable evaluation templates for Avaya, Cisco, Asterisk and many more. RECITEM 
portal for information and proactive action.
selected, randomly agged, or all employee integrates with most common communications platform, including most VoIP systems. RECITEM 
l Cisco Smart Net Total Care Service calls. Employee performance can then be advanced integrations include status updates and 
portal output helps manage risks to viewed and measured graphically in a series agent actions to track voice communications from 
business continuity, resolves problems of reports based on information collected from evaluation scorecards. RECITE Xpress is extension to extension as the call travels through 
faster, and enables more ef cient operation.
compatiblewithvarioussystemcon gurations, the communication system.
l Using Netformx DesignXpert
including VoIP, TDM, and blended environments
and Netformx Discovery, over 2,600 RECITEM Snapshot
Microsoft Lync
organizations in more than 120 countries Microsoft Corporation has c  RECITEM as 
create proposals with higher win rates, RECITEM Snapshot is a Desktop Client that adds Lync 2013 compliant. This c  ation means 
resulting in happier customers and more Screen Capture and Live Agent Notes to the that our integration level  ers Microsoft Lync 
pro ts.
RECITEM Xpress package. RECITEM Snapshot can be seamlessly added to RECITEM Xpress users the ability to record conversations in any 
to provide a 360-degree view of the customer Lync mode, client, remote users, mobility users, federated users and Lync Conferencing. Through 
our advanced integration, call setup times 
“The availability of Netformx Discovery
are reduced while preserving the 
in Smart Net Total Care enables our RECITE MasCM
recorded  in a central, searchable database. 
customers to be more proactive, aware, RECITE MasCM is a PCI Compliance Module that By adding RECITEM software modules such 
and self-suf cient. By running a discovery, incorporates voice muting and screen capture as SnapshotM and MasCM, the Lync recording 
they can understand important facts about blocking during compliance portions of the can be enhanced with PCI Compliance and 
their networks such as product lifecycle customer call, rendering sensitive information Screen Capture. RECITEM is one of the few Lync 
information, the status and health of their unplayable by any member of the organization. recording systems on the market that can er these advanced features a  ordable price.
equipment, and revision status,” said Mike The Compliance Module supports both PCI and HIPAA Compliance standards.
Friday, Director, Product Management 
Smart Service Software at Cisco. “This 
enables them to resolve problems faster, 1-855-NUMONIX 1-561-9522600
reduce risk, and increase their operational WWW.NUMONIX.CO 
ef ciency.” n

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