Page 8 - Cisco Tribune Q1 2016
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8 1st Quarter 2016
Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune
continued BAREKET continued SMITH
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For most solution providers Cisco reward NetCraftsmen to Take Action”, David PRESCRIPTIVE BUSINESS anywhere access to Cisco content and sales
programs have a signiicant impact on Yarashus, NetCraftsmen CTO, said: INTELLIGENCE TO INCREASE tools.
margin and proitability. However, we “Netformx ChannelXpert has enabled us PROFITABILITY EARLY IN THE Finding the right content for a sales
generally hear from managers that program to take full advantage of Cisco incentive DESIGN STAGE
situation can be dificult for any sales
tracking is operationally challenging and programs by automating our manual ChannelXpert is integrated into team, but the problem is magniied with
they are using time-consuming manual processes and identifying opportunities we DesignXpert, Netformx’s lagship product, an indirect sales model because partner
processes to piece together ever-changing would never have been aware of.”
so engineers can easily see equipment sales reps handle products from multiple
qualiication and compliance criteria.
ChannelXpert continues to evolve with substitution options and their impact
manufacturers and are one step removed
new features each month to deliver all the on the customer’s budget in real time as from their respective marketing teams.
DRIVE PROFITABILITY WITH information you need — in one place —
they are creating designs, rather than by Sales teams can waste hours searching for
AUTOMATED SUPPLY CHAIN to increase your company’s proitability. manually browsing Cisco and other vendor the right content for each stage of the sales
AND INCENTIVE PROGRAM Active data monitoring ensures fresh
websites. Alternates are shown for a variety cycle, while marketing teams continuously
and timely information is available at all of promotions in addition to VIP, where the create new content without realizing
Netformx is the leader in sales enablement times for correlation and analysis. The customer is qualiied for extra incentives. that much of that content is being under-
and proit acceleration platforms for
resulting KPIs, such as bookings, VIP Did you know some of the most popular utilized. As a result, time and resources
cloud and telecom solution providers.
rebates, and registered deals, are visible
VIP 25 SKU’s are not included in VIP 26. are needlessly wasted, and many customer
In September we released Netformx in simple dashboards (with drill-downs) Having easy access to alternates that are touch points miss the mark.
ChannelXpert v1.5 for Cisco Partners in enabling collaboration leveraging the
included in the VIP 26 program will help With its intuitive navigation, The
order to prepare them for access to VIP 26 same metrics. Dashboards also track how the bottom-line.
SELL Closer supports the channel sales
SKUS. The October v1.6 release includes designers are taking advantage of Cisco This tighter integration with Netformx representative by providing eficient, mobile
additional data sources such as Cisco’s promotions. Actions with clear, guided steps
DesignXpert enables you to leverage access to curated Cisco content at the point
Total Program View (TPV). Netformx ChannelXpert data to prescribe of sale. Cisco partner sales professionals
ChannelXpert is an innovative analytics DesignXpert user selling behavior to quote are always prepared with the latest case
engine that helps solution providers to higher proit solutions and follow company studies, battle cards and promotions. And
gain powerful business insights to better best practices that lead to more successful with the addition of new Cisco One content,
understand the selling lifecycle and and margin-rich engagements.
partner sales professionals can be better
identify hidden proits. By gathering data ChannelXpert continues to prepared to close deals no matter where
from vendors, distributors, and solution MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFITABILITY they are.
providers, ChannelXpert identiies evolve with new features WITH VIP 26
The SELL Closer, developed by Tech
opportunities to increase gross margin and ChannelXpert has made a broad range of 2000 and built on its appnetic platform
proitability across the deal lifecycle from each month to deliver all business results easy to obtain, including ( is one of the few
start to inish.
areas that many customers say were not platforms to support both the SCORM and
By correlating all the data gathered
the information you need
managed at all because data were not XAPI e-learning standards. Tech 2000
from the different sources, ChannelXpert available or were cumbersome to analyze.
President George Churchwell says, “We
has introduced a unique approach to Instead of occasional, inconsistent are implementing cutting edge standards
prescriptive analytics that provides you with spreadsheet analyses, ChannelXpert for education and enabling Cisco to offer its
actionable insights on where to invest your provides actionable data in easy-to-use partners new capabilities for training their
selling efforts, how to recover additional enable quick problem resolution, such as dashboards that make eficient use of sales teams. Mobile learning, simulations,
vendor rebates, and which deals require addressing deal expirations.
executive time and give business insights and ofline learning through The SELL
attention by the sales team. It eficiently “Netformx ChannelXpert has greatly that impact proitability.
Closer will help Cisco partners take their
automates the management of capturing enhanced our productivity. We can do our With Cisco’s VIP 26 program now in business to the next level.”
Cisco reward dollars, adhering to discount- work faster and with fewer errors. And by place, we would like to offer all Cisco “Enabling sales teams to focus on what
based incentives, ensuring compliance, increasing our rebate and reward incentives Partners complimentary on-boarding to test they do best, prospecting and selling, is our
tracking employee certiications, and our margins have improved, helping us
drive the application to see the beneits of mission. With its new e-learning features
managing deals, channels, and partners. to lower prices. This has made us more ChannelXpert for themselves.
and Cisco One content, The SELL Closer is
The result is higher productivity, accuracy, competitive,” said Adriana Loria Arroyo, More at an indispensable tool for any Cisco partner
and proitability.
Corporate Alliances & Strategy Director
ChannelXpert ■
sales person,” said Bill Smith, Product
Our customers have responded at IT Servicios de Infocomunicacion S.A., a Manager of appnetic. indispensable tool for
enthusiastically to ChannelXpert. In Cisco Gold Partner, headquartered in Costa any Cisco partner sales person,” said Bill
a case study, “ChannelXpert Enables
Smith, Product Manager of appnetic. ■
Netformx Discovery
HigherGround Joins Cisco
is Now Available
Solution Partner Program with a
complementary product offering to
to Cisco Smart Net Solution Partner Program
collaborate with Cisco to meet the
needs of joint customers.”
Total Care Service The Cisco Solutions Partner Program,
part of the Cisco Ecosystem, unites
Cisco with third-party independent Critical communications leader Partner Program, HigherGround is
hardware and software vendors
HigherGround announced that it able to quickly create and deploy
Netformx, the leader in sales enablement to deliver integrated solutions
has joined the Cisco Solution Partner solutions to enhance the capabilities,
and proit acceleration platforms for cloud to joint customers. As a Solution Program as the primary provider
performance and management of
and telecom solution providers, announced Partner, HigherGround offers a of interaction recording solutions
Cisco solutions.
today that Netformx DiscoveryM now complementary product offering and for Cisco Instant Connect. Instant “Recording interactions from a
supports Cisco Smart Net Total CareM. By has started to collaborate with Cisco Connect enables interoperable complex blend of communications
utilizing the power of Netformx Discovery, to meet the needs of joint customers.
dispatch networks and command media and applications requires a
users can now audit and discover their For more information on the centers for irst responders and
robust, tightly integrated solution to
multi-vendor networks in minutes to
HigherGround Uniied Recording ield workers, connecting radio,
capture and archive vast amounts
gain insights on product lifecycle status, solutions, go to: https://marketplace. IP, Wi-Fi, and other signals into a of data,” notes Terry Ryan, president
uncover potential security vulnerabilities, single, rapidly deployed system.
and CEO of HigherGround. “We
and receive guidance on technology
As a member of the Cisco Solution
are pleased to join the Cisco
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Soia knows