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Telecom Reseller: Cisco Tribune NEWS l PRODUCTS l PEOPLE l EVENTS 1st Quarter 2016 3

Brocade, Cisco, HP and Huawei Dubbed Leaders 

in IHS Enterprise Networking Scorecard

IHS released excerpts from its 2015 Machowinski said.
from its home base in China to pursue product reliability, service/support and 
Enterprise Networking and Communication underserved markets across the world
technology innovation. The report includes 
Equipment Vendor Scorecard, which proiles ENTERPRISE NETWORKING Avaya has a long-standing position in a Leadership Landscape Graph that 
and analyzes the top 6 revenue producers in SCORECARD HIGHLIGHTS the enterprise market with over 20 years’ classiies vendors as “Leader,” “Established” 
enterprise networking and communication Financially strong and a leader in history of selling telephony solutions and or “Challenger” based on their scores in 
equipment: Avaya, Brocade, Cisco, HP, developing new technologies, Brocade is managed services
these criteria. This approach eliminates 
Huawei and Juniper.
succeeding by targeting high-growth areas Juniper targets large, high-value subjectivity and ensures vendors are 
“Networking and communication suitable to its data center heritage
enterprises with complex networking assessed accurately and fairly.
technologies are critical elements for With a successful transition into an requirements and has mature routing, 
the operation of any enterprise, and end-to-end ICT solution provider, strong switching and security solutions
the companies proiled in our scorecard inancials and positive feedback from IHS is publishing 15 vendor scorecards 
are capable of addressing a wide range buyers, Cisco’s position as a leader is ENTERPRISE VENDOR SCORECARD in 2015 on markets ranging from 
of enterprise needs,” said Matthias virtually assured in the years to come
telecommunications equipment to carrier 
Machowinski, research director for One of the most widely-known The IHS Infonetics enterprise networking WiFi, routers and switches, network 
enterprise networks and video at IHS.
technology brands in the world, HP has scorecard evaluates the leading enterprise security, cloud uniied communications 
“The leaders we’ve identiied—Brocade, made networking a strategic priority, networking and communication equipment and more. To subscribe to IHS research, 
Cisco, HP and Huawei—are stable and backed by its leadership in IT products and vendors on criteria using concrete data
please visit 
well-known companies, have worked to services
and metrics, such as market share, asp, or learn more about the scorecards 
diversify their offerings, and are generally Huawei has created a dedicated market share momentum, inancials, at 
well-regarded by enterprise buyers,”
enterprise business unit and is expanding
next-gen intensity and buyer feedback on
asp?cvg=Equipmentvendorscorecards ■

ScanSource Completes Acquisition 
$225 million. The acquisition is expected to Federal, state and local governments. 
be accretive to earnings per share and ROIC “We are very pleased to have KBZ as a
of KBZ, a Leading Cisco Video 
in the irst year after closing, excluding one- part of the ScanSource team,” said Mike 
time acquisition costs.
Baur, CEO, ScanSource, Inc. “With the Conferencing Distributor
KBZ, formerly Tandberg’s largest sharing of our value-added services, best 
distributor prior to its 2009 acquisition by practices, ideas and opportunities, we will 
Cisco, focuses its business exclusively on be able to offer better programs and more 
Cisco and complementary vendors. This support to our partners.”
ScanSource, Inc., the leading international letter of intent to purchase the assets of 
acquisition enables ScanSource to enhance KBZ’s Vice President Kyle Zorzi, along value-added distributor of specialty KBZ on August 18, 2015. Founded in 1987 
its focus on Cisco’s solutions, combining the with the KBZ team, will join ScanSource. technology products, has closed its and based in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, 
strengths of both distributors to provide a Mr. Zorzi will serve as Senior Vice President purchase of KBZ, an award-winning Cisco KBZ operates in the United States and has 
more robust portfolio of products, solutions of KBZ, a ScanSource Company. He will Authorized Distributor specializing in approximately 75 employees. The company’s 
and services. KBZ also brings a specialized report to Tony Sorrentino, President of video conferencing, cloud, and services. sales for the trailing twelve months ended 
public sector team to accelerate sales to
ScanSource Security. ■
ScanSource announced the execution of a
June 30, 2015 are estimated to total over

Consilium UniCampaign Achieves 
Cisco Compatibility Certiication with 

the Cisco Solution Partner Program

If she dials 9-1-1, 
Consilium Software, an campaign builder enables 
independent software vendor
managers to set campaign-level will  rst responders 
of Cisco Compatible products
time and date criteria, deine dialing 
for uniied communications and and rescheduling rules based
contact centers, has announced on call dispositions and business  nd her quickly?
that Consilium UniCampaign, an outcomes, and provides the ability 
outbound campaign management to start, stop, pause and resume 
solution, has successfully achieved campaigns.
Cisco Compatible status with “Whilst Consilium UniCampaign 
Cisco’s Uniied Contact Center has been designed to reinforce 
Enterprise (UCCE). The Internet
Cisco’s outbound dialer capabilities, 
of Everything (IoE) continues to the most important aspect of this Don’t compromise 
bring together people, processes, tool is that it has been developed
your employees’ safety.
data and things to enhance the in consultation with enterprise 
relevancy of network connections. customers to speciically meet
As a member of the Cisco® their needs in terms of features and 
Solution Partner Program, Consilium reporting,” said Pramod Ratwani, With end-to-end support, our E9-1-1 
Software is able to quickly create Founder and CEO of Consilium enterprise solutions are simple to deploy 
and deploy solutions to enhance Software.
the capabilities, performance and The Cisco Solution Partner and manage. Strong expertise in complex 
management of the network to Program, part of the Cisco Partner 
capture value in the IoE.
Ecosystem, unites Cisco with environment support, such as multiple 
Consilium UniCampaign third-party independent hardware UC vendors deployed on premise, hosted, 
enhances Cisco outbound contact and software vendors to deliver 
center capabilities by introducing integrated solutions to joint or in hybrid environments.
automated and centralized customers. As a Preferred Solution 
campaign and list management, Partner, Consilium Software has 
signiicantly decreasing manual achieved Cisco compatibility Call or click today for more information
involvement and simplifying the certiication on at least one 
implementation of dialing strategies. solution, and can provide its 877.862.2835 or
It complements the strength
customers with 24-hour, 7-days-a- 
and robustness of Cisco’s dialer week customer support. For more 
technology with the tools contact information on Consilium Software, 
center managers need to deine go to: 
and control which records to call, com/catalog/companies/5415/ 
and when and how they should be products/unicampaign-campaign- 
dialed. An advanced outbound
management-solution ■

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