Page 10 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2016
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10 Telecom Reseller April/May 2016

continued from page 3
Digital Customer Experience 
Misses The Human Touch 
entire network using shares, unsecured servers, Recent reports show that on average it
how it operates and therefore can recognise 
USB’s and network devices, while simultaneously takes more than 200 days to detect a breach each stage of an attack with relative ease.
creating a detailed map of the company’s network (Mandiant), and the majority of breach With a managed service, highly trained sta  
and security controls.  ey will now have a noti cations come from an outside party.  is are watching cloud data and systems round 
signi cant presence within the network allowing is exactly what attackers are hoping for, as a er the clock in a Security Operations Centre and contact centre are managed, tracked, and 
them to wait, while making detailed asset
this time has passed the stolen data will already are able to continuously monitor for abnormal quality controlled, the same performance 
maps, noting employee patterns and any other be converted into cash or bitcoin
network behaviour.  is is not a luxury all rigor isn’t always applied to digital 
information that can assist them in their long Using this cyber kill chain perspective
businesses have to be able to do in-house and channels,” explains Rob Allman, Dimension 
term goal – data the .
helps to uncover the weak spots in any can be particularly tricky to do in a cloud Data’s Group Principal Director, Customer 
STEP 5: EXTRACT AND EXFILTRATE: A er framework and keep organisations one step environment. Cyber attacks are going to Experience and Collaboration. “This can 
a suitable amount of time has passed, the attacks ahead. As cloud adoption rapidly rises, so happen. Vulnerabilities and exploits are going lead to an inconsistent and degraded 
will begin to siphon data out of their target does the importance of e ectively identifying to be identi ed. New technologies that assist customer experience across a brand or 
company’s environment.
exposures and vulnerabilities in applications organisations such as united communications services company.”
 ey will do this by moving the targeted data and infrastructures. A common cloud security also mean new attack vectors that need to
Half (50%) of the benchmarking report 
to a remote server, taking additional steps to challenge is that traditional security tools are be protected. An attack against a united respondents said they track quality on 
prevent a trace of the data’s location. A er several not built for the complexities of the cloud
communications system could allow hackers to digital channels compared to 89% on 
weeks or possibly even months of siphoning data, and o en provide inadequate visibility into steal valuable data, or even eavesdrop on voice phone. Some 82% report that they have 
the attackers can end their campaign. However, vulnerabilities.
or video calls.
processes to identify sales opportunities 
before exiting, they will ensure to make several As such, many businesses are now realising Having a solid security-in-depth strategy, on phone compared with 60% on digital. 
network modi cations that enables them to the bene ts of having a managed security coupled with the right tools and people that Measurement of cost and time per 
return at any time in the future.
service where professionals know where to look understand how to respond, can ultimately put interaction is also missing on the majority 
 e  nal step in the kill chain is when the and what to look for when it comes to cyber companies in the best position to minimize of digitally assisted-service channels, 
organisations  nally discover the compromise.
attacks; put simply, they know the Kill Chain,
their exposure and risk. ■
which suggests an absence of consistency 
in management approach.
Allman says new contact channels
are being designed in isolation, and
Can you choose your own 
often without any involvement from the 
contact centre. “Our research reveals that 
almost half (47%) are excluded from, or
carrier right now? If not...
are partially involved in the design phase
of new technology solutions in contact 
centers, while 55% have little, or no Let’s Chat!
involvement in solution approvals. In fact, 
2 in 5 (40%) organizations said that their 
digital channel systems don’t meet existing 
business needs, and only 19% are conident 
that their future requirements will be met.”
Digital is driving business transformation 
and reshaping the way companies do 
business, which means that the role of
the contact centre will become even more 
crucial to achieving an integrated customer 
experience strategy. It’s therefore 
important that IT and business function 
teams collaborate more closely and more No Porting Fees 
“New digital technologies must be 
designed with how they’ll be consumed
in mind. Organizations also need to No Activation Fees
understand the user experience and 
customers’ expectations if they want 
successful adoption of the technology and 
to achieve the desired business outcomes,” 
adds Joe Manuele, Group Executive of 
Dimension Data’s Customer Experience 
and Collaboration Business Unit.
“The complexity of providing customers es June 30t
with a connected experience frequently e o er expir
spans multiple channels including Internet, t now as th
web chat, social media, and phone.
This requires greater capability and 
understanding of the customer journey 
when engaging with an organization’s 
contact centre. To be efective, the Not a customer yet?
technology solutions need design, 
ownership, and especially a human touch.”
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