Page 8 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2016
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Telecom Reseller

Telecom Reseller
April/May 2016

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Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA

 is legislation is essential in that it sets a 
● Occupying more than 7,000 feet
minimum standard for implementing E9-1-1 u 
● Occupying more than one  oor
enterprise solutions, which can dramatically As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best 
● Occupying more than one building (even if
improve  rst responders’ ability to locate and me to be a part of a group of happens at the face-to-face events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect o
and the buildings have a common address) ultimately protect employees and end users.
people who strive to con nually with people who can help you succeed.
t the Each communication device within the
At West, we work with many organizations to evolve as knowledgeable technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and 
enterprise must be assigned a civic address that thoroughly test and ensure that E9-1-1 location I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
corresponds to a device’s location. Depending data is available and works across all users and to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, 
yees on the geographic layout of the occupied
devices. As we o en see, failure to comply is not Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
y to space, the information provided to public
simply a matter of  nes. Companies who ignore Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet r
safety agencies may also need to include a  oor the mandates also increase their exposure to Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
number, building identi er and a precise location legal liability and negative publicity following an • Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, 
pri- within the building. Michigan has published emergency incident.
giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance f 
comprehensive guidelines to help companies Organizations operating in states with E9-1-1 your career.
pany assess which rules apply to their organization.
regulations need to invest in reliable E9-1-1 
yee? Similar regulations already exist in 20 other enterprise solutions as part of their ongoing risk o 
ticle states including Maine, Washington, Texas and management strategy.
Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
Colorado, and companies with locations in these Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
Join Today!
states need to familiarize themselves with these What are the challenges?
critical regulations, as well.
Business with Voice over IP (VoIP) phones or 
using SIP trunking will need to be extra careful 
to ensure that the technology they use does not 
get in the way of compliance. We have seen 
many cases where 911 calls are received by the Inc.
PSAP with the address of the data center where Connect and Communicate
the PBX is housed and not necessarily the caller’s 
physical location.
VoIP phones are more likely to move 
without the assistance of a phone technician, ONICS DOES IT ALL!
making it di cult to track the location of the 
phone within the buildings.  e regulation 
refers to “communication devices” which
can be interpreted to include so phones that 
run on mobile devices and laptops. It is also 
important to note that there are no exemptions 
for teleworkers using company provided 
communication devices that access the MLTS 

Where to begin?
Clearly, E9-1-1 legislation is all about safety
and creating a safer community for all. We YOUR EXCESS
understand that regulatory compliance is 
complex and varies from state to state. We collect 
and summarize these mandates on our website 
( to 
make it easier for you to track. You may want to 
also subscribe to our blog as we will continue to 
discuss E9-1-1 legislation throughout the year. ■

Digital Customer 

Experience Misses 

The Human Touch
Retail | Education | Healthcare | Hotel | Government | Military

While digital technology is fast TRAINING INSTALLATION
transforming the global contact centre 
industry, advances in customer experiences 
are being slowed by people, and not the 
technology itself. In fact, the pace of 
digital uptake isn’t reaching its potential, Many markets. One partner.
resulting in widening gaps between service 
delivery and customer expectations.
According to new research published 
today by Dimension Data in the 19th 
edition of its annual Global Contact Centre From retail point-of-sale, college dormitory, patient room, and
Benchmarking Report, organizations are of ce, to hotel, and military lodging applications, specify Cetis
unclear about who owns, oversees, and 
manages the digital channels in their analog and VoIP telephones for all of your vertical market sales
contact centers. That’s because there’s a tallation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all.
opportunities. Write for model and pricing
om ins r 
lack of management focus that impacts details, or visit
the efectiveness of the design of their nt distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel pende e
digital solutions, and by consequence, how to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
customers engage with their businesses.
This year, 1,320 organizations across 14 
industry verticals in 81 countries in Europe, 
Asia Paciic, Australia, the Americas and 800.797.2983
Middle East & Africa contributed to the 
© 2016 Cetis, Inc. Cetis, Inc. is a U.S. corporation, incorporated in the State of Delaware and headquartered in Colorado. Product speci cations and descriptions 
“While telephone interactions in the in this document subject to change without notice. Cetis®, Teledex®, TeleMatrix®, and Scitec® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cetis, Inc.

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is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise.
nics, Inc.
ith the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.

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