Page 5 - Telecom Reseller April-May 2016
P. 5

March/April 2014
Telecom Reseller

April/May 2016
Telecom Reseller 5

Higher Education + Technology = ACUTA
continued from page 1
Continued from page 22
letter of authorization again.
performance ranking system.
device that could be purchased by create some legal issues. Risk reducing 
As a CIO, it is important for
• Professional networking at its best happens at the face-to-face 2)eCmhpoloiyceeos.f DITIDwFiellantueerdesto determine p9o)lFicriaeus dmPusrtobtecdteivoenloped.
me to be a part of a group of events and via the listserv/community. We provide opportunities to connect Inwthheipchastd,ewveicheossietoiusralbinle steorvsiucpespaonrdt.never
• I n R t h e e s p p a o s n t , s w i b e i n l i o t r i me s a : l l y D s a o w e f s r a u a d n o n e m p l o y e e 
people who strive to con nually evolve as knowledgeable with people who can help you succeed.
intuesrninagtioanadl ecavlilsc,ebuwt intohwcwoerpaorerastaertainpgptso asened
•touGcehoed-Ftheenmcinaga:inIt. Nmoawywbeeartehautpdsaetcinugriatynd, or 
technology professionals.
• High-quality education features presenters at seminars and data use needs, require policies to gov-
data have a responsibility to protect the
changing our features such as 911 location, Caller
it happen more on a domestic level. I strongly
I know of no be er organiza on conferences who are experts in the eld.
ern devices used within prede ned geo-
device? What if precautions are not taken
ID, and forwarding just to name a few. Having
recommend that you  nd a wholesale VoIP
to be a part of than ACUTA.
• Valuable publications bring critical information to you in a timely, graphical areas. Different regions gener-
to protect the device?
the ability to make real-time phone service
provider who o ers a VoIP Fraud detection
Keith Fowlkes Director of Informaon Technology pro-active way.
ally have different laws.
• Rights: The legal rights of employees
changes provides resellers with an advantage over
Services and CIO • Online resources give you access to solutions that will help you meet • Bandwidth Throttling: Organizations
and organizations differ from country to their competition.
Centre College
the needs of your campus faculty, staff, and students.
country, so policy may have to be altered
must determine how to allocate employ- 10) Automated Billing
• Professional development opportunities abound at ACUTA, ee demand for bandwidth across a broad
3) Personal Number Warehouse
on a country-to-country basis.
You want to  nd a provider who o ers a hosted
giving you experiences that will help you grow professionally and advance swath of locations, roles and usage vol-
 ere is nothing more frustrating than when you
or on premise system with their services. Finding
• Liability: Who is liable for the loss of pri-
your career.
vate data when protocols are followed?
make a sale just to  nd that there aren’t numbers
a VoIP provider with their own integrated billing • Business Support vs. Personal Support:
• Privacy: What measures will a company
readily available for your customer. You will want
system is ideal to ensure compatibility with their
Organizations must determine the extent
take to protect the privacy of the employee?
to  nd a wholesale provider that o ers a personal
VoIP services.
Questions: Call Amy at (859) 278-3338.
Join Today!
to which they are willing to provide
• Look for the second part of this article
DID inventory to stock up on DIDs and store
If your current BackO ce does not include
Connecting Campus IT Professionals with Ideas and Solutions
technical support for an employee-owned
where we will detail the next three essen-
them as inactive until they’re ready for use.
any of these features, it’s time to move on and
tials for a successful BYOD policy. %  nd one that will give you the tools to make your
• DeviceLoss:Devicelossortheftisafact
4) Automated DID Stocking
company more e cient than ever! n
of life. Therefore, an organization should
Finding a wholesale provider with a personal
have a plan for protecting (or wiping) a
inventory is great, but you will want to  nd a
lost device.
wholesale provider that can automatically keep
• Reimbursement: How will employees
your DID storage fully stocked.  is feature not
be reimbursed for devices and/or data
Connect and Communicate
only keeps your DIDs stocked for your critical
areas, but it will also save time spent on ordering 
and returning DIDs.
Essential 3: Build a Legal Policy 
with Ofice 365 and
5) Customer Management
Allowing employee-owned devices into
Look for a wholesale provider that has the tools
the work environment will undoubtedly
to organize your services into Groups and these 
Groups into Clients.  is will provide you with 
the ability to have a complete view of your
Windows 10 in 2016
Continued from page 17
6) End User Empowerment
to maintain operations. This means each
As we mentioned above, having access to
piece of your internal network is still
change and update services is a must. However,
responsible for connecting you to vital
empowering your end users to change and
WE BUY data, and can still present a liability when
update their own services can save you even
NETWORKING power problems occur, even though the
more time. Look for a wholesale provider that
data is off-site.
gives you a brandable portal for your End Users.
Here are a few areas to consider when
End Users have a range of rights and permissions
moving to the cloud:
depending on what the reseller assigns to them.
• IT & Network Infrastructure
• Telephone systems are no longer stand-
7) Cost Control
alone—modems, switches, hubs, routers,
 e number one business metric for any business
wireless access points, and other network
is gross pro t margin.  ere are three must
devices all work to maintain each per-
 haves when measuring cost control: a robust
son’s connection to the cloud, and the
and customizable dashboard, in-depth  nancial
data and services provided by it. Each of
reporting, and  exible email noti cations.
these devices should be backed up with a
Coming to a city near you:
UPS that can accommodate its electrical
8) Paperless Number Porting
load for the desired amount of time.
If you are selling DIDs then it is inevitable that
• Network device loads vary greatly, from 
yosumwaillhraovuetteorspothrtamt caanny obfeyboaucrkcuedstoumpebr’ys an 
San Fransisco Los Angeles Redmond
nuimnebxerpsetnosyiovuer stearnvidcbe.yOunnlyitc,htoosleaargperolvoidaedrs 
if theayt hraevqeuairpeapaerllienses pinortetirnagcptirvoeceossr.  truies woinll- 
elilminineasteysthtemnefeodrtoadperiqnut,astiegnb,afacxk, a
New York Washington DC Charlotte
• Workstations
• While it seems obvious, every worksta-
tion (including the PC, telephone hand-
Chicago Atlanta Phoenix
set, and peripherals) within the building Help Wanted
depends on power to function properly.
When cloud storage is involved,  les 
are often saved locally before being
Unique Opportunity for the right
uploaded, and can be lost or corrupted
person.must have direct experience
when power problems occur.
editing and writing. Preferred: IT
bInacmkgarnoyuncda,sWeso,radPUrePsSsiesxpererisenctea,t these
staptiodncsa, sbtuatndh/aosr ebleecntroingincomrediafor several
years. These are often found to have a dead
battery when called upon, leading to data 
loss and potential hardware damage.
Please apply directly with cover letter,
Appropriate workstation backup is
resume and writing samples to Amy
From products to training, from installation services to excess purchasing, A1 Teletronics does it all.
largely dependent on the backup runtime
Ralls, Operations Manager at Telecom
desired, and how much space is available
We continue to redefine independent distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel for the
interactive systems are a popular solution, installatio
n. Slimline tower line
through an unmatched dedication to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
as they provide a favorable mix of runtime, 
power conditioning, and space savings.
Don’t get lost in the clouds
While it is easy to consider your prob- 
lems solved once critical operations are
ISO 9001
in the h
ands of a
professional data center,
Got Questions? Reach out to our event specialist at 206.201.2943
the job is simply not done yet. A complete
protection system on-site is critical, and can
The global alliance of the it channel
help ensure your link to the cloud is more
As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise.
like an escalator than a magic beanstalk. %
Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
For more visit

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