Page 10 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
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January/February 2014 10 Telecom Reseller
AudioCodes introduces high capacity session
Affiliate Program
border controller
udioCodes, a provider of converged for deployment on Common-Off-The-Shelf
CAN HELP YOU voice solutions that enable enter- (COTS) platforms or within fully virtual-
prises and service providers to tran-
ized environments.
”The introduction of AudioCodes’ latest sition to all-IP voice networks, announced
GROW AND PROFIT SBC, with its significantly increased capac- the release of the Mediant 9000 Session
ity, greatly enhances the company’s market Border Controller (SBC). The high capac-
reach,” commented Diane Myers, Principal ity Mediant 9000 extends the capacity of
Analyst, Infonetics Research. ”While in AudioCodes Mediant SBC family, now
the past AudioCodes’ SBCs were success- supporting up to 16,000 concurrent ses-
ful in the mid-market with remote braches sions. The new SBC meets the connectiv-
of large enterprises, this move definitely ity, security and reliability needs of large-
IP TELEPHONY opens the door for the company to sell to scale unified communications solutions and
datacenters of the largest companies. The IP contact center deployments, as hosted,
fact that AudioCodes delivers a centrally managed or owned services.
managed and uniform SBC functionality The growth of hosted services and data-
across the portfolio from the smallest of center centralization of enterprises increas-
branches to the largest of data centers rep- es the demand for session border con-
resents a competitive value proposition in trollers (SBC) with higher capacities and
the market.”
carrier grade high availability. With the
”We announced our plans to significant- cost-effective Mediant 9000, AudioCodes
ly increase the capacity of our SBC prod- now offers a uniform SBC family that
ucts earlier in 2013 and we are delighted to scales from mini-branches to large datacen-
have accelerated our plans and exceed our ters and cloud deployments, while sharing
initial targets,” said Yehuda Herscovici, the identical feature set and offering central
VP Products at AudioCodes. ”We see the operation and monitoring. Redundancy and
Mediant 9000 as an important building resiliency are supported on all Mediant
block in our comprehensive Microsoft SBC products, meeting mission critical
Lync portfolio for large-scale deployments, business communication needs. This allows
both on-premises and cloud-based (private large organizations such as universities,
cloud and Office 365) and expect to achieve hospitals, government institutions and other
full Lync qualification during the first quar- multi-branch and international enterprises
ter of 2014.” %
to work with one vendor for all their SBC
needs. AudioCodes’ high scale SBC is
For more visit
also available as a software-only version
$4.95 $2.95
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