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WebRTC—Is it Dial into conference calls with a smart phone Voice4Net blog/
ready for using WebRTC
Planet WebRTC
Lindenbaum extends its WebRTC VoIP client for
By Alan Percy, Senior Director of Marketing, AudioCodes
Lower ”COI”—Cost of ndroid mobile phones
Browser support for WebRTC
Integration—through WebRTC
users can therefore participate in conference calls without further extra telephone charges indenbaum, a manufacturer of con- m
ference bridges and conferencing
akes adoption complicated.
when a LAN or WAN Internet connection By Rick McFarland, CEO, Voice4Net
software for carriers and conference AT
fter participating in the WebRTC he concept of ROI (Return on is available. In the Lindenbaum conferenc- service providers, has further expanded the
World Conference last fall and our Investment) is familiar to most peo-
ing system, participants can therefore dial use of its WebRTC VoIP client and enabled
ple, and it is often a key decision-
in using WebRTC, via a Flash VoIP client Android mobile phone users to dial into participation in the WebRTC pavil-
or other SIP clients and via standard PSTN
conferences thru WebRTC. The WebRTC ion at ITExpo
in Miami
a few weeks point used by the pragmatic business owner
application uses the mobile phone´s Internet ago, I’ve grown increasingly aware of looking to justify technology purchases.
See LINDENBAUM, page 22
connection for this. Android smart phone
See PERCY, page 19
However, in many cases, ROI is only one piece of the cost equation. Looking from a
bit of a different angle, one must consider
that the investment is not necessarily a one- This is my phone.
time cost, and it often extends to encompass
how a new technology is implemented and
integrated into the working environment.
The COI (Cost of Integration) can extend
deep into the inner-workings of any technol- This is my call center.
ogy solution. For example, in the contact
center, quickly enabling new features and
communications channels is often at the core
of technology adoption and upgrade. When
these new capabilities are implemented with
WebRTC, the COI impact can be reduced all Now you
while reducing operating costs and speeding
time to market.
Typically, the creation of a robust and can build
powerful contact center environment has
never been cheap, or easy. It encompasses a any voice
great deal of back-end engineering to estab-
lish a versatile functionality that includes
features like voice, live agent chat, an application
effective ACD queue, IVR capabilities, and a workable interface with amenities like
friendly icons and pop-up screens. Then
there’s the killer task: seamlessly integrat- via SIP or
ing all these disparate capabilities into a
single and realistically usable user desktop.
You Create. We WebRTC.
With the traditional contact center archi- WebRTC.
tecture, each of these functions is pro-
grammed by the developer. The initial Cost
of Integration is the expenditure required to
create a rich, effective and unified experi- Voice Applications from Toll
ence for the user. This cost is borne by the
developer and becomes part of the price Bypass, Call Center apps,
paid by the business owner. In addition Virtual Employee apps to
to the effort involved in putting all of the
pieces together, the costs associated with sophisticated IVRs and
deploying new technology solutions and Voice Dialers, Locator apps
features throughout the business flow can
contribute to the full assessment of the and much more.
COI. Training and support demands can
also increase with complex technology
upgrades, and along with these demands Our powerful SIP platform
come increased operational expenses. And 30 Day
finally, every company – and sometimes every agent or supervisor – has the desire or and programmable .NET API
need to create a desktop environment that
best fits its business. If this customization now supports WebRTC.
Free Trial
requires developer time, up goes the COI.
Built right into our included
However, thanks to WebRTC, the COI
tide is turning. With the WebRTC protocol, SIP stack, is a bridge that
many new and advanced capabilities can be connects WebRTC to SIP
enabled through any RTC-enabled browser,
significantly reducing COI by both time and will enable voice
and money. Voice, video, messaging, chat,
and any number of peer-to-peer media applications built with Voice
connections can be initiated and integrat- Elements to make and re-
ed into a comprehensive contact center
environment using a web browser for a ceive calls using WebRTC.
desktop – all without complex program-
ming and software development efforts.
RTC-enabled browsers already have robust
graphics capability, and window control, Complete
and most users have a high level of comfort WebRTC
with operating them. In addition, custom- Tool Kit 1-866-923-5290
ization of the look and feel of a desk-
top is relatively simple, and can even be
See McFARLAND, page 22