Page 13 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
P. 13

Telecom Reseller
13 January/February 2014

Telecom ResellerTM
Avaya demystified
Or change address, unsubscribe: 17413 SE 28th Street, Vancouver, WA 98683 Call 561-732-2335
By Walt Medak
Directory Number) that points to your new would enter 5000 in the column ”Incoming 
Web • E-mail
Qvector. In a new coverage path, you would Called Number”, enter the number of the 
Call 360 260-9708 • Toll Free 800 667-8965 • Fax 360 260-9726 I have been asked to change the way the num- make the first point of coverage “vxxxx” Business Schedule you just set up, and 
Web • E-mail
News Department
ber for our groups works. Right now, when and replace the “xxxx” with the extension then in the “Day Service Mailbox” column 
Please e-mail articles and press releases as attachments in Microsoft Word format to people call extension 5000 to reach the group, it will of the VDN you created. Then just assign you would enter 5033. You can also enter Suggested length is 250-300 words. At the end of the article, please provide contact information. Do not send graphics. We reserve the right to edit just ring until the caller decides nobody is going to that coverage path to the hunt group in 5033 in the “Night Service” and ”Alternate 
for content and length.
answer and hangs up. I did a little looking around and figured out 5000 is the extension for a hunt question (extension 5000).
Service” columns, but it’s not necessary. 
For further clarification, please visit and click on Submission Guidelines. Our Editorial Calendar (also online) is useful for appropriate subject matter.
group. What they would like me to set up is that Another way it can be done is to go into This is the option I would use if you do not
Publisher and Director of Advertising
when someone calls 5000 it will ring 3 times and
the subscriber screen in the Audix for mail- ave vectoring available. h
Douglas Green,
hen go to the voicemail box for extension 5033. tbox 5033, and put 5000 in the field called
I have been asked to set up a few of our call
Deputy Publisher
Carole Sangiorgio
AIt can get a little complicated when you “Secondary Ext”. Y ou would then just
center stations to automatically answer when 
Executive Editor
want a call that originally went to one need to assign one of the coverage paths to they are called. I found a button I could program 
Jeff Owen
extension to go to the mailbox for another the 5000 hunt group you probably already called internal auto answer, but that isn’t exactly 
Tracy Titus
extension, but there are a few ways you have created that send calls to Audix after what they are looking for. Are there other options?
Copy Editor
can accomplish this. The first thing to keep 3 rings. However, there are some interac- There are a couple ways to set up
Michelle Moody
Technology Editor
in mind is that a hunt group can have a tions to this method if you have the ability a station to automatically answer a
Ray Horak,
coverage path assigned to it just like a sta- to receive faxes turned on in your Audix.
call. The way you set it up can depend 
Graphic Design and Production
tion, so that is how you will get it to ring 3 A third option is again to use an exist- on whether or not the person is using an 
Spritzer Type and Design
times and then go to voicemail. What you ing Audix coverage path and assign it to the 5000 hunt group. But this time in the Agent-ID to log into a call center group. 
The publishers of this newspaper assume no responsibility for statements made by adver- tisers in their advertisements, nor do they assume responsibility for statements or opinions assign in that coverage path can depend Audix you would make sure you have a First, let’s look at the options for a station 
expressed or implied in the columns of this newspaper.
on the options you have enabled in your Business Schedule created with your com- that is not part of a skill-based call center. 
Newspaper delivery to conference performed by CTS Air Service
system. If you have vectoring enabled, you pany hours with the command “change Depending on the exact model of telephone, 
can create a very simple vector that has auto-attendant-routing business-schedule somewhere around the second page of the 
one step that says ”messaging skill xx for x” (x can be 1-4). Once that is verified, station form there will be a field called 
extension 5033” and replace the “xx” with use the command “change auto-attendant- “Auto Answer:”. The options for that field 
the number of your Audix hunt group. You routing routing-table”. On this screen you
are “none” (the default), “acd”, “all” and
would then need to create a VDN (Vector
See MEDAK, page 15

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