Page 14 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
P. 14
January/February 2014
Telecom Reseller
duce a UC management layer to the enter-
prise, which would reduce the enterprise’s
UC operational costs, and would give the Connect and Communicate
Continued from page 1
enterprise an option other than migrating to
Partners beware, however! With the the cloud. It’s a win for both parties:
Certified Online Training
dawn of the consumerization of IT, the • The VAR / SI creates more stickiness with the client and develops a new
partner community must be cognizant of a monthly stream of revenue
at your Fingertips
new set of consumer expectations when it comes to UC and inter-company collabora- • The enterprise continues to own its own
tion. The quality of the cloud communica- UC infrastructure, while cut operating costs
tions offering has to be top notch; well- A1 Teletronics will take you out of the classroom
priced, fully-featured, secure, and robust. Nemertes has proven that UC manage- for convenient online training. Save time and
To hit these exacting standards, the partner ment reduces the operational cost per end point from $2,747 to $1,050. Therefore, money by eliminating travel costs. With 30 days to complete each training, classes can be taken
community simply will not be successful with a MaaS offering, the SI could help an at your own pace.
in cloud communications unless there is a enterprise make a 47% reduction in cost, Additional benefits include downloadable training
UC management component in place. This per device. For a 10,000 seat organization, supplements and the ability to revisit past lessons.
is because, if enterprises think that standard that means a potential saving of $16.9m.
on-premise UC is complex, the administra- The point is this; VARs / SIs are in a For details, visit
tion of cloud communications takes com- great place to offer enterprises a much need
plexity to a whole new level.
choice when it comes to UC. And it’s UC 800.797.2983
UC management is therefore instrumental management that is the enabler for the part- ISO 9001
in securing a piece of this emerging market. ner community. %
AscdiNatd The global alliance of the it channel
In fact, it plays two fundamental roles in a As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted otherwise. Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
partner’s cloud communications offering:
Visit for more information.
The value it brings to the partner— Among many other benefits, UC manage- IntelliSIP
ment offers:
• Highly automated migration services to
rapidly on-board users and devices to the
new platform
• A centralized management portal to
administer multiple customers from a
single point of control
The value it brings to the enterprise cus-
tomer—Among many other benefits, UC
management offers:
• Multiple levels of administration, to
decentralize day-to-day MACDs and
offer mobile self-service in real-time to
end users
Way to
• Capped costs to regain control of opera-
tional expenditure
• Access to the very latest best-of-breed SIP Trunk.
collaboration services
With UC management, a VAR or SI will
not only create a more seamless end-to-end
cloud communications experience, it will
adhere to the enterprise industry’s growing
expectations for next generation communi-
cations and collaboration.
Delivering Enhanced Services
In the debate of enterprise organizations
and cloud, there is another factor to consid- er. For many successful, experienced, large Reduce Costs Up to 70%
enterprise customers, the idea of migrating
their vast, multi-location communications
systems to the intangible cloud is daunting. Remote Employee Extensions
There is risk and worry associated with an
unreturned investment, a loss of flexibility, a
disruptive onboarding process, and the barrier Robust, Redundant, Stable
to exit from the cloud. These are all valid rea-
sons that steer large firms away from migrat-
ing their communications to the cloud.
Follow Me to Mobile Devices
However enterprises are suffering from
the dramatic increases to UC operational
costs, so something needs to change. The Private Conference Bridges
latest independent analysis by Nemertes
Research shows that UC operational costs
are currently running at $2,747 per end Keep Existing Phones & System
point. Enterprises have to cut their UC operating costs, in order that an on-premise
communications solution remains viable.
So, a new opportunity is developing for
the partner community. By offering their
large enterprise customers a Management as
a Service solution, the VAR / SI could intro-
Dealer Opportunities Available
See Our Ad on Page 22
See Our Ad on Page 24
Continued from page 6
the terms of the Arrangement, shareholders
of Aastra received US$6.52 in cash plus
3.6 common shares of Mitel (the ”Mitel Certified Interoperability with:
Shares”) for each Aastra common share BUSINESS PHONE SERVICE & SYSTEMS
Avaya, Toshiba, Panasonic,
held. The total amount of cash paid by Microsoft Lync Express by Sangoma
Mitel was approximately US$80.0 million
and the number of Mitel Shares issued was
44,162,509. Mitel financed the cash consid-
eration of the transaction from cash on hand
and from a portion of the proceeds from the
new credit facility as discussed above. %
For more visit