Page 15 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
P. 15

Telecom Reseller
15 January/February 2014

means that the auto answer function is 
controlled by the ”Auto Answer:” setting 
on the station form. %
Continued from page 13
And as always, if you have any questions please call 800- 
452-6477, or visit us at
“icom”. Obviously, leaving this field set to 
“none” means calls to this station will not 
auto answer. Selecting ”acd” means that 
only calls directed to this station through an 
ACD hunt group would auto answer. The 
Continued from page 1
“all” selection means all calls to this sta- 
reactions of the respondents covering their tion will auto answer. The “icom” selection refers to calls directed to the station through 
an intercom group. Using intercom groups 
I am soliciting participation from any- isn’t very common, so I haven’t seen that 
one who may be planning, implementing, or operating SIP trunks. The 2013 survey setting used very often.
received over 800 responses, about half The options for a station that is part of 
form the U.S. and the remainder from inter- a skill-based call center (EAS) are similar, 
national responders. We are trying to reach but the programming is done on the ”agent- 
1000 respondents.
loginID” form instead. The options for the 
If you want to participate the survey ”Auto Answer:” field here are ”none”, ”acd” 
form is available on line http://www.thesip- and ”all” just like on the station screen, but %
here the ”icom” option is replaced by ”sta- 
tion”. Selecting the ”station” option here

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4.9 million rooms in the US

$155.5 billion industry

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