Page 17 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
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The Voice of Unified Communications and Collaboration


SBC Checklist

By Steven Johnson, President, 
Ingate Systems
ession border controllers are a critical 
component in SIP trunking deploy- 
ments. There are a few SBCs on the 
market today, but with recent acquisitions 
and consolidations, how can resellers know 
which SBC is right for them?
It comes down to understanding what 
an SBC can do for your customers, then determining which SBCs actually deliver.
When you’re assessing SBCs, use the 
following checklist to make sure the SBC 
you’re considering is up to snuff:
Is it really SIP, or ”SIP Lite?”—Not all 
See Engage Cloud at:
SIP SBCs adhere to the SIP standard. There 
Enterprise Connect 2014 are security and interoperability advantages 
Booth 401
to using SIP, that’s how the protocol was 
March 17-20, 2014 designed. Don’t be taken in by SBCs that 
Orlando, FL
speak a modified version of SIP.
Does it simplify SIP trunking deploy- 
Cloud-Based Call Recording & WFO Ideal for ments? Some SBCs actually complicate deployments and take a lot of time and 
effort to configure. An installation wizard is 
a powerful tool for speeding up installations.
SaaS and Other Hosted Service Providers
See SBC CHECKLIST, page 18
One of today’s hottest trends in SaaS is the growing ranks of alg
contact centers and businesses seeking cloud-based solutions 

for call recording, quality management, and other workforce The impact of 
optimization (WFO) services.
new compliance 
TelStrat’s Engage Cloud lets you tap this highly profitable 
market to upsell your existing VoIP subscribers and reach 
entirely new customers. Best of all, you can do this with:
BIy Patrick Salg, Director International Sales, ASC telecom AG
n order to prevent another worldwide 
• No capital or other up-front investment
financial crisis, governments in the 
• Your existing infrastructure
United States and Europe have instituted
stringent regulations for financial institutions over a certain size. Compliance is designed 
• TelStrat handling all implementation & system management
both to increase transparency and expand the 
Engage Cloud is highly affordable and flexibly priced, with types of transactions subject to review.
both subscription and perpetual license plans available.
One particularly challenging provision 
of Dodd Frank, officially known as the Wall 
Your contact center and business customers are demanding Street Transparency and Accountability 
these recording & WFO services in ever increasing numbers. Act, applies to financial institutions with 
more than $3 billion in annual transactions: 
Don’t miss your chance to generate significant additional rev- they must have the capability of retrieving 
enue with these business-critical services for no up-front cost!
all information related to any single trade 
within 72 hours. Meeting this requirement 
Contact your authorized telecom equipment reseller or will involve the acquisition of sophisticated 
TelStrat for more information and a live demo!
technology many of these financial institu- 
tions do not currently possess.
The Challenge of Compliance
Creating a global infrastructure to com- 
ply with Dodd Frank legislation entails a 
series of requirements:
All forms of media consisting of voice 
and data must be preserved. Doing so 
Call Recording I Quality Management I Coaching & E-Learning I Screen Capture I Speech & Desktop Analytics I Workforce Management requires technology to capture traditional | 972-543-3500 |
See IMPACT, page 20
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