Page 23 - Telecom Reseller JanFeb 2014 Final
P. 23
Telecom Reseller
January/February 2014
The IP gateway for your VoIP migration strategy
small business (SMB) to large enterprise.
Many have at least a few customers in
every camp. Few service providers – we
Continued from page 21
found none – would eschew the large
• Integrated Chat: During a meeting, any- enterprise customer for what are obvious
one can initiate private or group chat reasons. However the incumbent service
from any device.
providers from NTT and AT&T down to
• Technology: RingCentral Meetings small Tier 3 telcos may be perceived by
is powered by Zoom Video large enterprises as having the attributes most desirable of a cloud PBX vendor –
Communications, Inc. through an exclu- sive licensing agreement.
more about that later. The attributes posi-
tion incumbent service providers to be very
The ApplianX IP Gateway can be used in a variety of “Our employees love the power and strong in the enterprise cloud PBX market.
VoIP/TDM gateway scenarios and for TDM protocol simplicity of RingCentral Meetings,” said By targeting the enterprise, incumbent ser-
Gene Maggio, Director Technology, Teles vice providers may have a better footing
conversions. It is a ‘plug & play’ gateway that, Properties. ”Its mobile-centric capabilities than some less established competitors to
regardless of deployment, can help reduce and intuitive features require little training propel the cloud PBX market to the $10
operational costs, extend the life of legacy, TDM- and can be put to use to enhance produc- billion level.
tivity almost immediately. Additionally, eliminating expensive standalone servic-
based equipment, and enable the delivery of services es allows us to make RingCentral Office Incumbent Service Providers are
to and from IP-based applications and end-points.
Enterprise Edition available to all 360 users Enviably Positioned
in our organization.” Some although not every cloud PBX ser-
vice provider can satisfy the expectations of
Multiple trunk options
For more visit large enterprise customers. We anticipate
the enterprise market will likely account for
Up to 120 independent VoIP calls
around half the cloud PBX industry going
into the future, which means incumbent
Dual redundant SIP ports for resilience INCUMBENT
service providers may have an opportunity
Remote management – via SNMP and HTTP to capture a sizeable market share.
Right now cloud is a small part of all
Continued from page 3
PBX industry revenue. However it can m
Web-based GUI
small businesses with the balance between be the next big thing for the business o
enterprise and SMB not expected to change telephone system market. The first major c
considerably over the next several years. More than a hundred service providers milestone should be to get cloud PBX sales b.
sell cloud PBX today including dozens of to $10 billion a year. That’s a long way off a
small, aggressive service providers. We’ve and will take some doing. Let’s put a $10 l
benchmarked many cloud PBX vendors billion cloud PBX market into perspective. u
and found several examples of good infra- In 2013 total PBX industry sales to the end c
structure, leadership, marketing and cus- user were around $47 billion worldwide. a
tomer value.
If cloud PBX had been $10 billion of that w.
The target customers for both incumbent number, which it wasn’t, that would have w
service providers – the telcos – and their given cloud PBX a respectable 21 percent
cloud PBX competitors run the gamut from
See INCUMBENT, page 24
Ingate SIParator (SBC) enables
enterprise SIP Trunking
INTEROPERABLE with Avaya, Cisco, ShoreTel, Mitel,
Microsoft Lync and all other SIP PBXs
COMPATIBLE with all SIP service providers
TRAVERSE firewalls
SCALABLE from 5-8,000 calls
REDUNDANT solutions
PRICED competitively
** Attractive Reseller Program.
Contact to get started. **