Page 5 - Telecom Reseller March-April 2015
P. 5
TDeelecceombeRre/Jsaenlluearry 2015 5
Telecom ReMsaerclhle/Arpril 20145
Cloud Infrastructure
Anpi adds x4
one of the leaders in virtualization applications. that view,” said Jeremy Duke, Synergy Research
Leadership Battle Becoming a
Servers, OS, storage and networking combined Group’s founder and Chief Analyst.
solutions to the
account for 92% of the cloud infrastructure “IBM will fall further behind Cisco and HP orak
Premier Partner
market, with the balance comprising cloud now that it has inally divested its x86 server Two-Horse Race continued....
security, cloud management and virtualization
product line, while Microsot is almost on its
ShoreTel 14.2 deliverscustomizable virtualization
application. ownin theOS segment but cannot match the
“Across the diferent types of cloud
revenues of the two leaders based on sotware
Cisco’s overall leadership is due mainly to By Ray Horak, Technology Editor tem designed and developed entirely in-
scales easily to serve the needs of virtu-
30,000 businesses of all sizes in over 60
Sits dominance of the networking segment and
deployment, Cisco has a clear lead in public
house, so it is homegrown and organic,
ally any size organization, whether SMB
its rapihdolyregTroewl inrgecpeonstitliyonrienlesaesrveedrs.SHhPoreTel cloud infrastructure while HP leads in private
“Further down the ranking Chinese vendors
ANPI, a leading provider of Hosted Uniied
which yields lots of advantages, includ-
or enterprise, single site or multisite. That
I recently interviewed ShoreTel rep-
is the m14ar.2ke,ttlheeadlearteinstclvoeurdsisoernveorfs,iatsmawinard- cloud.
Huawei and Inspur are growing rapidly, while
Communications (UC) solutions, announced
ing tight integration. The design concept
design challenge pointed to a unique dis-
resentatives who explained that ShoreTel
challenwgeinr nininsgtoraUgenaiindedalsoCpoamrtmofutnhiecpaaticokns (UC)software. ShoreTelis apureIPsys-“I said earlier this year that cloud
Lenovo will now join them as a major player in
that X4 Solutions, one of the nation’s leading
focused on a highly modular solution that
tributed architecture used by more than
14.2 takes the ShoreTel solution to another
chasingCiscoinnetworking.Microsot has total infrastructure leadership was becoming a bit of cloud infrastructure.” ■
Master Agencies, is the newest member of
dimension—a virtual dimension that deliv-
dominance of the server OS segment and is
a two-horse race and the Q3 results reinforce
More at
the ANPI Premier Partner Program (APP)
ers much greater lexibility for deploy-
Searching high and low for a ments, with the ability to mix and match
and will be selling ANPI VIP Hosted Uniied
Communications through its nationwide
ShoreTel hardware-based Linux appliances
network of sales partners.
or now as virtual software appliances on
“X4 is just the right partner to help ANPI
customer provided general purpose serv-
become a leader in the Hosted UC space,” said
Cloud Telephony Solution?
ers running VMware in a single network,
Mike Cromwell, ANPI Chief Sales Oicer. “I’ve
or a combination of both, all managed
known the X4 leadership team for years, and
they know this space. Combing our shared
via a single web-based management inter-
face. Companies deploying ShoreTel 14.2
technologies and marketing intelligence will give
can select the UC deployment model that
ANPI a huge boost in this market.”
Are you a reseller, VAR, or ‘like’ a service provider best suits their business and infrastructure
Sales partners of X4 will now be able to take
needs—physical, virtual, or a hybrid com-
advantage of the new ANPI Premier Partner
prising any combination. Bernard Gutnick,
Program launching in 2015. ANPI has made
Director of Product Marketing for ShoreTel
and looking to buy, rent, or host your own system?
substantial additions to the program which
explained that “The associated beneits are
include: a fully automated Operations Support
clear and immediate, including reduced
System/Business Support System (OSS/BSS)
hardware and operational complexity,
Look no further.
for complete supply chain and customer
higher application availability, increased
management, a service installation guarantee, a
scalability and reliability.” ShoreTel 14.2
complete marketing and training resource center,
enables all ShoreTel UC components,
a multi-level industry-leading commission
including call control, SIP trunks, CRM
structure, winning sales promotions and
integration, uniied messaging, contact cen-
rewarding agent incentives.
ter and collaboration applications, to be
“We are excited to work with ANPI and add
virtualized and implemented on industry
ANPI VIP to our portfolio,” said Curt Allen,
standard servers.
X4 President. his is a reunion of sorts for us.
Increase Gutnick went on to explain that ShoreTel
he sales and leadership team assembled at
14.2 is lexible enough to support central-
ANPI are veterans of the channel with which we
ized or decentralized call control on prem-
have enjoyed tremendous success in the past.
ises or in the customer’s private cloud. Due
In the crowded hosted voice/UC space, ANPI
to its unique architecture, the ShoreTel
delivers a uniquely pain-free installation for
system incorporates a level of redundan-
both our customers and our agents. heir OSS/
cy that delivers a truly high availability
BSS platform,Atlas, allows unparalleled control
solution through a single failover switch
and visibility of the entire install process for the
(called Spare switch) that can be positioned
sales partners. he world class platform coupled
anywhere in the company’s network. In
Reduce with their scale and signiicant inancial strength
addition, ShoreTel customers can leverage
relative to their peers makes ANPI a key bet for
VMware vMotion to enable practically
us at X4 as a partner in this space.”
zero-downtime in case of hardware or soft-
hrough Atlas, X4 agents have the ability
ware failure.
to control the entire ANPI VIP customer
In terms of scalability, ShoreTel 14.2
Boost quadruples the port capacity per virtual
experience, from proposal through installation
and beyond. ANPI VIP is a full-featured, fully
machine. ShoreTel virtual machines in
integrated Hosted Uniied Communications
VMware supports up to 1,000 phones and
solution that provides a comprehensive set of
500 SIP trunks. This increased capaci-
PBX features including auto attendants, hunt
ty simpliies deployment especially for
groups, call recording and fax services. ANPI
customers that choose a centralized UC
VIP also ofers integrated mobile access, Instant
deployment. The ShoreTel solution can be
Messaging, Presence, content sharing, audio and
implemented on the customer’s choice of
video conferencing, web meetings and call center
industry-standard virtualized servers, thus
functionality. ANPI has simpliied managing and
Upgrade to the Industry’s Choice TODAY!
consolidating the server hardware across
monitoring the solution by creating a unique,
multiple applications, reducing energy
widget-based Customer Administration Portal
requirements and minimizing hardware
that allows complete and easy control of the
footprint. ShoreTel 14.2 is available now
If you’ve been searching for an addition to your premise based entire system and all user features. ■
from qualiied ShoreTel reseller partners.
ShoreTel, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHOR) is a
ofering, or you want to add cloud to your portfolio, contact us today.
● For more information, or to join the ANPI leading provider of “brilliantly simple” IP
Premier Partner Program, please visit anpi. phone systems and uniied communications
com/partners or call (877) 936-300
solutions. Its award-winning on-premises
IP-PBX solution and cloud-based hosted
phone system eliminate complexity and
improve productivity. ShoreTel is head-
quartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., and has
Or change address, unsubscribe
regional ofices and partners worldwide. % Call: 800 667-8965 • Fax 360 260-9726
Web: For more visit |
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