Page 3 - Telecom Reseller March-April 2015
P. 3

December/January 2015
Telecom Reseller 3 

10 predictions for
Telco 2015: is the
technology has a short shelf life. hus, vendors 
(like me) may invent products and functionality 
Enterprise that no one wants, but invent new things March/April 2014
record broken?
Collaboration in 2015
is still what we do! But as for the rest of the SUBSCRIPTIONS & CIRCULATION
observations, that’s a more diicult question. See SE 28th Street, Vancouver, WA 98683
the trouble is telcos aren’t very good at progress. Call: 561-732-2335
Enterprise collaboration is booming. Companies his is a fact. A quarter of a century and more E-mail: Telecom ResellerTM
are seeking ways to enable better communication since global deregulation of the industry (and ADVERTISING
Lars Mansson, Senior Director of Product 
with employees and customers. Trey Tramonte, shortly thereater the birth of mobile) and
Call: 360 260-9708 Toll FSruebes:cr8ip0t0ion6s67-8965
Management and Strategy at Digital-
President and CEO of Bloomire, a leading guess what? Telcos and CSPs (take your pick) Or change address, unsubscribe: 17413 SE 28th Street, Vancouver, WA 98683
Fax: 360 260-9726
getting the point to pEo-imntail: publisher@usernws.comCall 561-732-2335 Route (
enterprise knowledge and collaboration platform, are still just about succeeding as bit pipes while• E-mail
ed on order for some analog Advertising
today announced his 2015 predictions covering remaining largely paralyzed when it comes to Call 360 260-9708 • Toll Free 800 667-8965 • Fax 360 260-9726 NEWS DEPARTMENT
or a change, I’m going to be confrontational; location to carry the new Web • E-mail Please e-mail articles and press releases as attachments in Microsoft
emerging social business trends in the way exploiting the actual service opportunity those not the natural habitat of a sotware vendor d technology, but so is the News Department
Word format to Suggested length
Please e-mail articles and press releases as attachments in Microsoft Word format to
employees, customers and partners connect, work and collaborate with each other.
bit pipes aford them.
And you really think, suddenly, that’s going to with a product to sell! Really, I wonder if
it still works ine. Howeisv2e5r0,-300 woerdditsor.@Autsetrhnewes.ncodmo. Sfutghgesaterdtilcelneg,thpilse2a5s0e-3p0r0owvoidrdes. cAot nthteacentd of the article,
somehow, and the providerplease provide contact information. Do not send graphics. We reserve the right to edit
anyone like me ever predicts “next year, things 
“As social business continues to mature, change? hese are the realities that inform my information. Do not send graphics. We reserve the right to edit for content and length.
will remain the same” and then goes on to bers are pointed to the CO for content and length. For further clariication, please visit www.
t was possible.
telecomreselleGur.icdeolimnesa. nOudr Ecdlictokriaol nCaSleundbamr (iaslsoionliGneu) isduesleinfuel fso.rOapupropEridaitteosurbiajelct matter.
enterprises are realizing the many bottom line view of what 2015 is likely to hold.
observe “If you think this year was unexciting, For further clariication, please visit and click on Submission
Calendar (also online) is useful for appropriate subject matter.
beneits these technologies deliver, including e right, it’s not pos- Publisher and Director of Advertising
With that in mind and in more detail, why wait till you see what’s coming next. Same 
bridging organizational silos and improving alog DID trunk, therePublisher and
nt between the central Douglas Green,
have I reached this conclusion? Let’s start with problems, same failure to identify a proitable Deputy Publisher
n e
worklow and collaboration,” Tramonte said. Director of to initiate the call, and Advertising
the facts. Fact: LTE/4G services are bedding in. way to deal with them.”
Carole SangTiorgaiocy Titus
Executive Editor
“Over the next year, companies that integrate ill send DTMF digitsDouglas Green, Fact: nascent NFV and SDN implementations are OK, if you’re a telco reading this, right now Jef Owen
Copy Editor
Michelle Moody
enterprise collaboration into the daily low of BX will then route the publisher@ gradually picking up speed and will, eventually, you’re starting not to like me, right? But I bet I’ve Accounting
Tracy Titus
Technology Editor
work will excel.”
digits received.
the provider send theMichelle Moody
redeine the character of the network and its got your attention! Imagine I’m right: Nothing Copy Editor
Ray Horak
Tramonte made these predictions for enterprise Deputy Publisher t match your extensionTechnology Editor
management. Fact: Customer Experience is fast will change much. Technology will stand still. rayhorak@
collaboration in 2015:
Carole Sangiorgio
hopefully, you have Graphic Design and Production Ray Horak,
becoming a trend and a reality to which more Revenues will be static if not smaller. Future
1. Analytics will drive increased investment Executive Editor Spritzer TGyperaandpDhesigcn Design
bers match the DID Jeff Owen than just lip service is paid. Fact: Lean approaches changes in the competitive landscape will m
in enterprise collaboration. As with most Raspberry Jam Creative
. So for example, your The publishers of this newspaper assume no responsibility for statements made by adver- to replace and/or complement parts of the legacy paralyze the industry as they have done for years. 
technologies, it’s all about proving value. In the tisers in their advertisements, nor do they assume responsibility for statements or opinions
IT stack (particularly in BSS) are taking hold.
Telcos will keep on doing what they do rather ouldbe1234andyToheuprublisheresxporfestshedisorniemwplisepdainptehrecaoslusmumnseofnthoisrnewspspoanpesri.bilityfor statements made by advertisers. in their advertisements, nor do they
be 555-1234. You
case of enterprise collaboration, there will be Taking the above as a whole, Fact: the future than what they need to do. Read on.
assume responsibility foNrewsstpaatpemr delnivtesryotro copnfienrieonncesperxfoprrmesdsbeydCToSrAimr Seprlviieced er to send the last four
greater emphasis on measuring and reporting,
for telcos could be radically diferent. Opinion
Actually, one bit (of the sentence above) is r so the call would just in the columns of this newspaper.
KING continues on page 5 wrong. Technology won’t stand still. It never r phone. On a ground
Newspaper delivery to conference
does; immobility isn’t in its nature. Static
(or loop start for that
KING continues on page 5 ››
performed by CTS Air Service
See MEDAK, page 15

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