Page 12 - Extra Report on Avaya Q2 2014
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12 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
Second Quarter 2014

continued from page 1

Trying to Delight Your Customers“(tinyurl. down in various modes – voice alone is often and the interaction can vary significantly customer! Empowered and fluent in a variety 
com/2btufg3) –based on a survey of 75,000 inadequate; voice-plus-Web is only marginally depending on location. Consider mobility when of technologies, today’s customer is more 
customer interactions–identified five loyalty- better; so voice-plus-Web-plus-chat-plus-video designing the omni-channel experience. Quick interactive, collaborative, knowledgeable, and 
building tactics:
can put customers and support resources on the interactions are necessary. Develop a mobile time-sensitive than ever before. Make sure 
● Reduce the need for repeat calls same page.
your channels can match your ever-demanding 
by anticipating and dealing with related However, businesses deploying multiple ● Do decide if multi-tasking is
customer’s needs.
downstream issues.
modes will need to monitor and measure needed: Some channels enable agent ● Don’t let your support personnel become 
● Arm reps to address the emotional side of customer experience to determine when multitasking better than others. Chat is great complacent: Forever challenge your support 
customer interactions.
switching across modes becomes frustrating for multi-tasking the video environment is
agents to keep them on their toes. Are support 
● Minimize the need for customers to switch for customers – recent research indicates not. One bad customer support experience can agents answering the same questions over
service channels.
Elicit and use feedback from disgruntled or customer effort is becoming as important as customer satisfaction. With this realization, destroy personal brand equity and the customer relationship.
and over again? A survey of 3,000 agents at Avaya ( found that 85% 
● struggling customers.
companies will seek help to orchestrate their
of the time spent by agents was answering the Do know your customer’s preferences, 
Focus on problem solving, not speed.
same questions over and over again. At most, ● 
● The same article goes on to state that “most the agents said that they tackled new problems 
customers encounter loyalty eroding problems only 10-15% of the time. Avaya changed the ...businesses deploying multiple modes will need to monitor
when they engage with customer service,” paradigm by using applications that are much and measure customer experience to determine when 
including these reported problems:
better than people at serving up existing 
● 56% of those surveyed said that they have solutions and then challenging the humans to switching across modes becomes frustrating for customers 
to re-explain an issue
solve new problems 85%+ of the time.
– recent research indicates customer effort is becoming as 
● 57% had to switch from the Web to the ● Don’t assume that the customer knows 
your business: Develop channels with the important as customer satisfaction
● 59% expended moderate-to-high effort to novice customer in mind. Setting up a site 
resolve an issue
assuming they know your business only creates 
● 59% were transferred
friction for the customer. Avoid acronyms. Not different modes and to coordinate contextual by industry or personal attributes: Some 
● 62% repeatedly contacted the company to all acronyms or customers are the same. While information and analytics capabilities so they industries lean more toward specific channel 
resolve an issue
speaking to the lowest common denominator, can monitor and measure customer effort.
communication preferences–high tech 
So what can IT managers do to help overcome enable power users and developers alike to Consider these 4 dos and 4 don’ts around companies may gravitate to video while 
these obstacles aggravating customers, while quickly scale, while allowing others to stay with minimizing customer effort in a multi-channel traditional manufacturing may want the 
coming up with cost-effective solutions? Let’s the most basic of information.
Don’t let your support agents be support environment:
Do minimize clicks: asynchronicity of chat. While Baby Boomers 
take a look back at our December 2013 white paper, The Top 7 Communications Trends for ● knowledge consumers, make them be ● An extra click or two to test microphone and headset compatibility still prefer phone and in-person contact, Generation X has shifted from the phone to 
knowledge generators: Agents should be before an audio or video conversation can be e-mail and text while Generation Y turns
Businesses everywhere are experimenting trained and incentivized to publish their the difference between 10% and 90% customer to video and text as the first channel of 
with different communication modes for findings to the Web for all other customers to effort
customer support. For example, Avaya Global see in 30 minutes or less. At Avaya, the goal of ● Do go mobile! The customer is not chained For every do, there are don’ts that should not 
Support Services has significantly shortened posting new knowledge in 30 minutes or less is to the desktop anymore. With the huge growth be avoided:
issue resolution times by escalating up and
being achieved 85 to 90% of the time.
and proliferation of mobile devices, the channel
● Don’t underestimate today’s

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