Page 33 - MedikalPlus
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,W^ - the gold standard in healthcare simula�on
DƵƐĞ - the intui�ve, visual interface
that simplifies pa�ent simula�on
,W^ - the gold standard in healthcare simula�on
DƵƐĞ - the intui�ve, visual interface
that simplifies pa�ent simula�on
10 Reasons >ƵĐŝŶĂ - realis�c and reliable childbirth simula�on
10 Reasons
10 Reasons
why your center needs a VirtaMed simulator
why your center needs a VirtaMed simulator
why your center needs a VirtaMed simulator
6. Fast progress on the learning s/sK - operate pa�ent simulator your way >ƵĐŝŶĂ - realis�c and reliable childbirth simula�on
1. Only one platform for multiple 6. Fast progress on the learning
1. Only one platform for multiple curve through an endless
6. Fast progress on the learning
simulators and surgical fields
1. Only one platform for multiple curve through an endless
variety of pathologies
simulators and surgical fields
curve through an endless
simulators and surgical fields variety of pathologies s/sK - operate pa�ent simulator your way ƉŽůůŽ - the new face in healthcare simula�on
variety of pathologies
2. Just like the real thing: ƉŽůůŽ - the new face in healthcare simula�on
2. Just like the real thing: 7. Complication training
7. Complication training
Photorealistic high-fidelity
2. Just like the real thing:
Photorealistic high-fidelity
in a risk-free environment
7. Complication training
simulation in HD
Photorealistic high-fidelity
simulation in HD
in a risk-free environment
simulation in HD in a risk-free environment
3. Original instruments 8. Objective performance ƚŚĞŶĂ - advancing female pa�ent simula�on
3. Original instruments 8. Objective performance
ease transfer of skills feedback with helpful ĂĞƐĂƌ - trauma training for first responders ƚŚĞŶĂ - advancing female pa�ent simula�on
3. Original instruments
8. Objective performance
ease transfer of skills
feedback with helpful
to the OR
ease transfer of skills
to the OR
to the OR feedback with helpful ĂĞƐĂƌ - trauma training for first responders
9. Better quality of care WĞĚŝĂ^ŝŵ - because children are not just small adults
4. Guided training saves 9. Better quality of care
4. Guided training saves and patient safety WĞĚŝĂ^ŝŵ - because children are not just small adults
9. Better quality of care
instruction and OR time and patient safety
4. Guided training saves
instruction and OR time
and patient safety
instruction and OR time ŵŽƌĞ ŽƵƚ LJŽƵƌ ƐŝŵƵůĂƟŽŶƐ
5. Reduced costs for
5. Reduced costs for 10. A competitive edge...
surgical training 10. A competitive edge... >ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ ^ƉĂĐĞ Θ ZĞƉůĂLJ - center management & BabySim - trauma management and cri�cal care of infants
5. Reduced costs for
boost your reputation!
BabySim - trauma management and cri�cal care of infants
>ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ ^ƉĂĐĞ Θ ZĞƉůĂLJ - center management &
surgical training
10. A competitive edge...
surgical training boost your reputation! performance improvement pla�orms for learning
performance improvement pla�orms for learning
boost your reputation!
environments environments