Page 12 - Orange Dog Product Flyer
P. 12

AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS                                                                                                    PRODUCTION &
                    MARKETING TIPS                                                                                                         DELIVERY

                                                                     Habits are a lot easier to make than to break.

                                                                                                                           While production turnaround does vary
                                                                     If a client visits your workshop at least 2-3 times within   with specific products at Orange Dog, we
                                                                     12 months, they're a lot closer to becoming loyal,    endeavor to get your orders printed and                            WA                          QLD
                                                                     repeat customers (assuming you treat them right).     shipped in the shortest possible time.       8-10 Working Days                   SA
                                                                                                                                                                         (WEST COAST)
                                                                     Sometimes, it's just a matter of getting them in on a   Estimates are based on delivery times                                                      NSW
                                                                     regular basis, even if what you are offering is a free   from order confirmation.                                                                   ACT
                                                                     service, ie. creating a 'FREE, pre-winter check' that takes                                                                                     VIC
                                                                     a mechanic less than 5 minutes, not only builds that
                                                                     loyalty, it's also an opportunity make sure their vehicle is        Bryan Gourley                                            6-8 Working Days      TAS
                                                                     safe  and to point out issues that may need resolving                                                                             (TAS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5-7 Working Days
                                                                     (adding additional work).
                                                                                                                                            0452 286 005                                                                       (EAST COAST)
                                                                     Contact us for more helpful tips & tricks                    
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