Page 5 - Y9 Courses Booklet 2021-23
P. 5
EBacc (English Baccalaureate)
What is it?
• This is not a separate subject but a collection of FIVE core academic subjects. This is
awarded to students who study a modern foreign language, and either history or
geography alongside their core subjects of English, maths and the sciences (and gain
level 5 or above).
• The latest Government target is 75% of students taking the EBacc.
Who is this for?
• If you are thinking about doing A levels and going on to university, we recommend you
consider the EBacc. It is not an entry requirement but it shows you have obtained a
good degree of attainment in academically challenging subjects.
How do I find out more?
• Speak to your teachers (especially language and humanities) about your suitability for
the EBacc.
Assessment and qualifications
We offer different types of courses: GCSE and vocational (BTEC).
To be successful it is worth considering the different type of opportunity and learning
each course provides. All qualifications fit into a national framework understood by
colleges and employers.
GCSEs are mainly assessed through a terminal exam at the end of Year 11. Whereas,
BTEC qualifications are vocational and are assessed throughout the two years with
coursework components and an external assessment
GCSE 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
grade L2 L2 L2 Merit L2 Pass L1 L1 L1
Distinction* Distinction Distinction Merit Pass