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FINDING THE Lens color options can amp Plus, they help protect
5 any eyeglass look. There blue light from digital
RIGHT LENS up the style component to from UV rays and harmful
are different types of
devices, and especially
lenses that can have a hue
Transitions lenses bring out
to them, and they serve the sun. Anywhere you go,
different functions. the best in everything you
see. Which Transitions lens
Transitions® adaptive is best for you and your
lenses® seamlessly adapt to patients?
the perfect tint, in any light.
What is their style? Pay If someone wears a
close attention to shoes, progressive design and
sits in front of a computer
bags and watches to get
6 an idea of their individual all day, educate about a
style and brand.
larger frame, drop zones,
peripheral distortion and
Are they athletic? What are
their hobbies and favorite corridor sizes.
Understanding a patient’s activities? If they are an If patients understand why
lifestyle will allow you to athlete, educate about the you are prescribing, it is
prescribe the best frame sporty and sleek design easier for them to put the
GREEN GREEN and lens options for them. with background about entire picture together.
how various lens colors will
Fully clear indoors and Extra protection from Polarize as they darken enhance their activity.
more reactive to light light – indoors, outdoors, for noticeably crisper,
outdoors even in the car sharper vision
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