Page 3 - KUH Refresh Proposal 8.14.17
P. 3

August 14, 2017

           Ms. Deborah Kelley
           500 Marlboro Avenue
           Cherry Hill, NJ  08034

           Re:  Request for Proposal Refresh - Construction Management Services
                   Kennedy University Hospital New Parking Garage and Patient Building
                   Washington Township, New Jersey

           Dear Ms. Kelley,

           Th  ank you for the opportunity to present Barr & Barr’s proposal Refresh for your upcoming New Parking Garage and Patient
           Building project. Barr & Barr certifi es that anything not revised or included in this re-submission from the original proposal
           remains as submitted and still valid. We are excited about this opportunity and feel that we are highly qualifi ed for this essential
           project. As you review our proposal, please keep in mind the following critical elements, unique to Barr & Barr, that will be highly
           benefi cial to your project:

           Averaging Over 30 Years of Experience Per Team Member: Members of our team have extensive experience building large scale
           healthcare facilities and parking structures throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Th  e depth and breadth of our proposed team’s
           experience successfully delivering projects similar to that of your Parking Garage and Patient Building will signifi cantly reduce
           any learning curve and allow Barr & Barr to work effi  ciently and expeditiously.

           Within the past 10 Years - 5,000,000 SF of Healthcare Experience: Barr & Barr has a long and prestigious history building for
           healthcare institutions. Our commitment of personal service to owners and architects is second to none. Th  is level of involvement
           is constant from planning through closeout, thereby maintaining total control of the projects development, costing, scheduling,
           logistics and quality and is the cornerstone in guaranteeing the success of a project. Our reputation for delivering Healthcare
           projects to the owner’s satisfaction is backed up by the long continuous relationships, some spanning over 50 years.

           Within the past 10 Years - $3B in Planning/Preconstruction Services: Our experience allows us to fi ll in the gaps between design
           intent and the design documents from schematic design through construction documents. We manage the process by continually
           identifying what elements have changed and we challenge those items.

           We have evaluated the workload for our key personnel and can assure their availability during preconstruction and construction.
           In addition, our team’s comprehensive abilities will be continually supported by Barr & Barr’s estimating, MEP coordination,
           scheduling, engineering, constructability and safety expertise as provided on all of our projects.

           Th  ank you again for inviting us to provide this information to you. If you have any questions or require additional information,
           please do not hesitate to contact me at the offi  ce 212.563.2330 or on my cell 732.489.0561.
           Sincerely yours,
           BARR & BARR, INC.

           Keith W. Stanisce

             Commercial          Cultural/Historical          Healthcare          Educational          Life Science/Research          Parking Structures

                                460 West 34th Street, New York, NY  10001 TEL 212.563.2330  FAX 212.967.2297

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