Page 11 - Magazine - September 2019
P. 11
Prodigy Game – A Leap in Educational
Technology Tool of India
Prodigy makes use of a proprietary algorithm in order to automatically
deliver appropriate study material for students.
magine your favourite video game as a kid! Now im- determine the next level which they should go through.
agine that game with the math curriculum in-built If they’re doing well on a topic, the tool moves them to
Iin it. That is Prodigy, the free, adaptive math game the next one in the class. If they’re struggling with a skill,
loved by more than 50 million students, teachers, par- it pulls them back to the previous level to get some prac-
ents, and school leaders around the world. The tool aims tice. The tool also provides teachers an option to assess
to make learning more accessible for every child in the their students’ knowledge by creating assignments.
RPG Style Video Game
What is Prodigy? RPG stands for ‘role playing game’, which means a stu-
It is a zero-cost, curriculum-aligned, adaptive game- dent can take on or ‘play’ the ‘role’ of a character in the
based learning platform. Millions of students, parents immersive world of the game. When students begin to
and teachers and school leaders around the world are us- play, they will start by creating a character that repre-
ing the tool to revolutionize the way a student approach- sents them. These characters have their own names, ap-
es math instruction. Featuring over 50,000 math ques- pearance, items, and skills which develop and change as
tions spanning from class I to class VIII, players witness they progress in the play. Development occurs by level,
their very own wizard grow stronger, and acquire new beginning at 1 and going up to 100. The higher the char-
equipments while facing more brainy opponents. It is all acter’s level, more powerful and healthier they become.
done by answering math questions.
Free To Use
Aligned with Curriculum It comes at no cost for teachers, students and parents.
Questions mentioned in the tool are in accordance with We offer completely optional membership subscrip-
various curricula including Indian. Hence, a teacher can tions for giving access to students at increased levels of
ensure that students are getting content that matches character customisation. It also includes the ability to
the curriculum. All available content is based on level of collect a larger number of ‘pets’, faster levelling, and an
class and expectation (or standards). In addition to this, access to one exclusive zone. A membership is not re-
new content is added in it constantly. quired to access any of our education content.
Adaptive Available Online
Prodigy makes use of a proprietary algorithm in order There are a variety of ways to access this no-cost gaming
to automatically deliver appropriate study material for tool for teachers, students and parents on a wide array
students. When a student begins playing, he or she is au- of devices because it is a web-based tool. Students can
tomatically put through a placement test to determine access and play the game both in school and at home
the appropriate level to begin. Afterwards, it constantly on vacation. Students can enter Prodigy’s gaming online
examines their progress through a curriculum tree to world at any place where internet can be accessed.
Sep-Oct 2019 | WE | 9