Page 3 - Magazine - September 2019
P. 3


                                              Delivering a Futuristic

                                              Education in India

                  Bonjour Readers!!

                    Indian education sector is rife  with immense    the advantages of educational reforms into the interstices
                  possibilities since our country has the  world’s largest   of our educational system.
                  population  of  about  500  million  that  falls  in  the  age   Newly emerged  technologies such as  automation,
                  bracket of 5 to 24 years. It is expected to reach US$101.1   robotics,  artificial  intelligence,  and  internet  of  things
                  billion in financial year 2019. A recent report by Google   led us to Education 4.0 from Education 3.0 in just three
                  and  KPMG  states  that  the  ed-tech  industry  of  India   decades.  An  additional  600  web  and  video  courses
                  is poised to attain a growth of $1.96 billion by 2021 as   were  added  under  NPTEL  Phase  II  (2009-14)  in  all
                  increased  number  of  K-12  institutions  now  consume   major branches of engineering, physical sciences at
                  content through technological tools. The host of reforms   the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  This is in
                  and revolutionary financial outlays that inducted lately   accordance with the opinion of father of Indian Space
                  may transform our country into knowledge economy.         Science Programme  Vikram Sarabhai  who once had
                    Despite the abundant possibilities  which our    said, “Basic social and economic change needs to brought
                  educational arena presents, the ability of class 5 students   about gradually and the more carefully and thoughtfully
                  in a government school to read a text meant for class   it is effected, the more permanent it will be.”
                  2 is still questionable. Public institutions stood at 44.2   Therefore, one imminent objective of  World of
                  percent in 2018 in this while private schools stood at 65.1   Educators is to modernise the Indian education system.
                  percent in the same year. A slight increase was registered   Will I be able to trigger a discourse to change the existing
                  in arithmetic ability of students in 2016 but this year it   teaching-learning  mechanisms?  Will  our  country  take
                  demonstrated a dismal trend. India Didactics Association   a  quantum  leap  to  implement  educational  reforms?
                  (IDA)  made  its  advent  ten  years  ago  with  an  intent  to   Would our educators resolve the stalemate of education
                  resolve this curricular dystopia in education and became   and employability gradually through age old curricular
                  an exclusive membership association in the country   reforms? I came across similar questions when IDA first
                  engaged  in  improving  conventional  teaching-learning   held its conference ten years ago. This led to advent of
                  mechanisms and learning outcomes of educational    World of Educators which is a humble effort to bridge
                  institutions.                                      the gap between educators and changing dynamics in
                    With a network of more than 83,000 educators as   education around the world.  It also reminds me that a
                  members  from  250  cities  of  India  it  unifies  the  entire   smallest of seed can afforest an entire barren land which
                  education, training and skills sector. World of Educators   can harbour dense biodiversity if nurtured carefully.
                  is a step ahead in the vision of India Didactics Association
                  and a humble effort to spread awareness about concerns
                  prevailing in Indian education arena and opportunities
                  of reforms that exist in it for all the stakeholders such
                  as  educators,  policy-makers,  and  edu-entrepreneurs.
                  Another vision of our inaugural issue is to conduct an
                  active discourse about the measures that could percolate                               Aditya Gupta

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