Page 31 - Magazine - September 2019
P. 31
STEAM Education – Carving a Niche
in Indian Mainstream Education
STEAM education basically implies an experiential form of
learning which is focused towards building practical skills in
children and to provide deep-rooted understanding of concepts.
By Amit Verma
TEAM education has been the most discussed
trends wherever twenty-first skillsets such as Ro-
botics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) or implemen-
Station of technology in education is discussed.
Most of the discussion remains open-ended since appli-
cation of STEAM education still remains vast and unex-
plored arena. Educators still look at as another aspira-
tional task which may be important but does not appear
urgent to them right now. STEAM education is an amal-
gamation of disciplines such as science, technology, en-
gineering, arts and mathematics where studies of these
subjects lead to enhanced analytical and problem-solv-
ing skills due to practical understanding of concepts. Even smart-classrooms are insufficient to keep up with
On the contrary, parents these days seek experiential the hurriedness of students as they require constant-
learning and consider it as one of the key skill building ly engaging environment. Activities related to STEAM
drivers. Their expectations are too high from traditional education are bridging this gap because every individ-
education. In addition to this, they want their children ual is assigned with a task which is not only engaging
to be exposed to a balanced curriculum with a perfect but also inculcates skills such as innovation, coordina-
blend of technology and theoretical knowledge. This tion with team, and problem solving. Our convention-
trend is manifested with an increase in the number of al teaching methodologies are driven by rudimentary
EdTech startups which is contributing towards parallel teaching-learning concepts such as listening, reading,
education system. It appears that parents are relying learning, writing, and evaluation. This further results in
more on an external (parallel) education system than gaining knowledge rather acquiring skills.
the mainstream one. They have now realised that formal
education will take considerable time to bring STEAM Role of Educators
based experiential learning to conventional classrooms. STEAM based concepts are supported with an activi-
ty which revolves around natural curiosity of child. It
Increasing Worth of STEAM Education also helps them in creating their personalised learn-
Lot of educational institutions have already implement- ing curve. This kind of education not only focuses on
ed concepts such as robotics, coding, and STEAM labs building knowledge only but also on skills which stays
as a part of their curriculum or in-house club activities with students for lifetime. These skills prepare children
such as Maker spaces, DIY (do-it-yourself tools), and in- for future which we can’t predict today. Now-a-days
novation challenges. Such activities related to STEAM schools, are looking at innovations inside classrooms
education not only make concepts interesting, but also through STEAM laboratories or AI based thinking spac-
compels students to see things differently. Using robots es integrated with disciplines of STEAM education as
to teach principles of science and mathematics or us- these programmes enhance classroom experience.
ing coding to find innovative solutions to real life prob- Most important role in STEAM education is of educa-
lems or building projects is very common these days. All tors since they are architects of experiential learning in
these activities encompass learning by doing. Hence, it classrooms. In STEAM education, educator collaborate
can be acknowledged as pedagogy which can change the with students and equip them with practical skills. Ed-
current way of delivering education. ucators should work together to build critical thinking
among students and define learning outcomes. Unlike
Significance of Students teachers, educators are now upgrading themselves by
Millennials possess very short attention span today as focusing on informal, open, creative learning approach
they are exposed to everyday innovations of technology with experiential learning.
and convenience classrooms through technology. They
seek more challenges and interactions in classrooms. (Author: The author is Director and CEO of Makebot.)
Sep-Oct 2019 | WE | 29