Page 58 - Magazine - September 2019
P. 58
BUFFER ZONE Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank
Cabinet Minister, Ministry of Human
Resource Development
Tweeple With e-ShodhSindhu- Academic
institutions can now easily access a
Say! variety of e-resources like journals,
citation, and factual databases under
diverse disciplines. #Initiativesof MHRD
Rajiv Kumar R. Subrahmanyam
Vice Chairman @ NITI Aayog Education Secretary, Ministry of HRD
#nmcbill2019 will bring transparency, NTA has established itself as a credible
accountability and quality in the testing agency in a short period under the
governance of medical education in leadership of Mr Vineet Joshi. May it climb
the country. #IMC #MedicalEducation further heights!!
Prof. K VijayRaghavan
Principal Scientific Adviser, Government
of India Amitabh Kant
Science and Technology is the fulcrum
for the levers of Govt to effect social and
economic change. For this, scientists AI start-up ecosystem spurts as tech
and society must connect closely. Build adoption surges. AI start up ecosystem
stronger foundations in education, in India has been growing at 50 percent
fundamental research, applications in CAGR between 2013-18.
agri, health, environment, and energy etc
Sep-Oct 2019 | WE | 56