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I doubt if there are half a dozen members of our club who recognised the Honorary Member featured in an Age article on 16th of August. Ninety- nine-year old Max Gilbert is the last surviving member of the Australian army Gull Force, sent to the Island of Ambon to assist the Dutch army fighting the Japanese in 1941. It was an ill-fated gesture that led to over 1100 Australians becoming prisoners of war.
At the end of the war, Max was one of the few to survive the terrible
conditions of imprisonment by the Japanese and return to Australia.
He was a regular marcher in the ANZAC parade into his eighties.
Until into his nineties, Max lived on his own in Boronia. He kept up to
date with club activities by receiving Take One. Latterly, Max admitted
to only reading the Trivia Page so that was the only part he was sent,
in enlarged print as his eyesight was failing. According to the Age
article, Max is now in an Aged Care Home in Boronia. Thanks to our
club statistician, Jack Vaux, we know that Max joined the club in 1980
and served as President in 1988/89. We should find out a few more details so that he can be congratulated on being – as far as we know – the first RMM member to become a Centenarian. JOHN MILLARD
PRESIDENT NORMAN has arranged a feast of interesting speakers for our RMM Fridays, keeping all of our members challenged during the constraints of LockDown.
Sept 18th will be no exception. :
Old Dogs & New Tricks (TV Series) (second camera operator - 10 episodes)
- Last Gasps (2013) ..(second camera operator) - The Skinny Lady Sings (second camera operator)
- Date Night (2013) ... (second camera operator) - Best Laid Plans (2013) ... (second camera operator)
Bad Reception (2013) ... (second camera operator) Yes,this bozo is coming to OUR Zoomfest to talk about
TRANSMEDIA : "Transmedia" means "across media” This may be applied to superficially similar, but different stuff - particularly, the concept of "transmedia storytelling”.