Page 13 - TAKE ONE
P. 13
1. (& 9) Actor, son of Martin Sheen (6,7) 4.* Blyton (4)
8. “### Another Day”. (3)
9. See (1)
10 . What projectionist used to put the film onto. (5)
11. What Jake La Motta did in “Raging Bull”? (5)
13. “Look back in #####” (5)
15. Movie of Truman Capote’s book - “In Cold #####” (5) 17.* Composer of Operas (7)
19. Fleming, creator of James Bond (3) 20. Grant (4)
21.* United Nations Body (6)
1. “The Sons of Katie #####” (5)
2. What The Titanic bumped into. (7)
3. What Screen Writers are full of? (5)
5.* National Gallery of Victoria. (3)
6. 1993 movie : “##### and Confused”. (5)
12. UK Comedy group starring Bill Oddie (7)
13. French Composer George ##### (5)
14. “Singing in the ####” (4)
15. The Monty Python crew made a movie about his life (5) 16.* Ernie (5)
18. Single Lens Reflex (3)