Page 2 - TAKE ONE
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TAKE-ONE asks club members to select a favourite image, and say in a few words why they cherish it
Here is a still by photographer and videographer Geoff Ross :
 This image was taken during a photographic trip to central Australia, whilst I was capturing images for my Australian book. After departing Trephina Gorge earlier that morning, I saw two wild camels near the road, so I slowed the vehicle, and continued
to drive closer to them, yet in a very slow, steady pace. By the time I parked the vehicle, I was probably around 40-50 meters from the nearer camel, and by this time he had walked onto the road and stopped. I thought to myself it will likely head off once I opened the car door, however he stayed very still whilst I reached for my camera. To get the best relationship between the camel and the road, I laid down on my stomach and took this image. It is one of those rare moments in life, and an image I will always cherish. Geoff Ross

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