Page 10 - Builder Brief March 2022 Issue
P. 10

This month, I want to share valuable information with you from one of our members, Trey Dawson. Trey is Senior Vice President of Pape- Dawson Engineers, Inc. and very active in critical government affairs initiatives.
Trey, what is going on that our members need to know about in the City of San Antonio?
There are currently many policy changes taking place at the municipal level that will affect your projects. Most discussions in January were centered around the Unified Development Code (UDC) Amendments. The UDC is amended every five years and many people in the development community spent countless hours reviewing rules, regulations, and policies that may become part of the City of San Antonio
regulations. The 2022 proposed UDC Amendments are planned to be submitted to boards and commissions during the summer and then adopted in November. Most new regulations proposed, which total more than 200 so far, are items that will increase the cost and time of your projects. For that reason, it is important that we all educate and push back on new regulation when appropriate. The City of San Antonio and Bexar County is also in the process of adopting the new I-Code (International Electrical Code, Fire Code, Building Code, etc.). This will affect every new house built in San Antonio and is likely going to be implemented in late 2022.
Are there any hot issues with CPS, SAWS, and SARA?
In addition to our focus on the UDC Amendments, we have worked with CPS Energy, San Antonio Water System (SAWS), and San Antonio River Authority (SARA). At CPS Energy, we focused on the impacts of the pandemic on the supply chain and worked with CPS Energy leaders to mitigate those impacts that can cause project delays. At SAWS, we provided feedback on the new Utility Service Regulation and Tri-Lateral contract changes. We also developed a policy for when public water and sewer mains can be used in one-lot projects. At SARA, we worked with the engineering department to create a developer-friendly, cost- sharing process for oversized capital improvement sewer mains. We also have multiple members who serve on the SARA Utilities Development Advisory Committee.
There is so much to digest with the changes being made. Are there other things our members should be tuned in to?
Other ongoing issues include Climate Action Plan Benchmarking; review of a Deconstruction Ordinance and a new nighttime construction
ordinance called Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site; coordination with Bexar County to address court orders and outdated policies and procedures; and collaboration with SARA on their new Low Impact Development ordinance.
Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us Trey. Any closing thoughts?
We are never short of work and welcome the opportunity to talk to anyone about concerns or issues they are having at the regulatory level. We are here to help!
Thank you Trey! If you want to get more involved with our Government Affairs and Advocacy programs, please reach out to me. We have a lot going on in the 22-county area that GSABA covers.
• Virtual Meeting with CPS concerning Street Crossings Options/Workflow & Design Workflow-Wednesday, March 30th at 9:30am
• In person meeting with City of San Antonio Development Services Dept.-Tuesday, April 19th at 1pm*
*Immediately following the April GSABA Board lunch meeting at 11:45am (you are invited to attend both)
Warm Regards,
  Trey Dawson

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