Page 8 - Builder Brief December 2025
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It is hard to believe that 2024 is coming to a close. I have enjoyed serving as your President this year. Our leadership team, committee and council chairs and members have accomplished a lot for the association, and I am proud we have left the wood pile higher than we found it.
Last January, the Greater San Antonio Builders Association (GSABA) Board of Directors passed a negative budget of approximately $77,000. I am pleased to report that the leadership team, committee and council chairs and members, along with the staff have delivered exceptional events and grown our membership this past year and we are ending 2024 with a positive budget number. We couldn’t do this without our members and sponsors.
We kicked off 2024 with the most well attended Housing Forecast held to date. The information provided by Bryan Glasshagel with Zonda, Dr. Robert Dietz, the Chief Economist for the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg was invaluable. Mark your calendars for our 2025 Housing Forecast at the JW Marriott Resort in San Antonio at 8:00am on Wednesday, January 8th, you can register online at, tickets, tables and sponsorships are available.
We are engaged in Washington, D.C., our Sate Capital, City Halls, and County Offices representing our twenty-two (22) county jurisdiction on critical issues that affect the residential construction industry and our members. From energy codes to unified development codes, permitting and inspection delays, your government affairs team and staff continue to monitor what’s happening in the residential new construction and remodeling industry in communities throughout the greater San Antonio area.
GSABA participates in several outside coalitions. We are part of the Responsible Growth Alliance with the Real Estate Council of San Antonio (RECSA), San Antonio Board of Realtors (SABOR), San Antonio Apartment Association (SAAA), San Antonio River Authority(SARA) and the American Council of Engineering Councils (ACEC). RGA recently retained Jon Hockenyos to provide our associations with an economic impact study on what the construction and real estate industry means and contributes to the local economy. You will be able to access this report on our website the first week of February 2025.
Membership has been our top priority this year and I am proud to share that our association received two of the three Membership GRAND AWARDS from NAHB and two membership awards from the Texas Association of Builders (TAB). I want to thank GSABA’s Membership Chair Jeff Kuwamura, Membership Director Darlene Willis, the hard-working membership committee, and our staff for the time that they have put into recruiting and retaining our members. I want to send a special thank you to Randy Oliver with Hollywood Crawford Garage Doors and Openers for being our Membership Partner and sponsoring the cruise for the top membership recruiters. Your contribution has truly made a difference.
We just wrapped up the 2024 Parade of Homes in Enchanted Bluff with our Developer Partner Bitterblue and six outstanding custom builders- Dale Sauer Custom Homes, Hearthside Homes, Japhet Builders, Macaw Custom Homes, Pencsak Builders and Sitterle Homes. The event was a huge success because of the hard work
of our Parade Chair Dominick Alongi, the GSABA Staff, our long-time sponsors, 2024 exhibitors, and volunteers who all did an amazing job this year hosting this important twelve (12) day event. Thank you to our presenting partner Security Service Federal Credit Union and hats off to all our Parade and Preview Party Sponsors too.
It has been a busy year with our Professional Women in Building Council (PWB), the Young Professionals Leadership Council (YPLC), and the Sales & Marketing Council (SMC). Thank you to our committee and council Chairs and Co-Chairs, we couldn’t accomplish what we do without your leadership and support. Each of our Councils hosts annual events that contribute to the Association, our members and community.
Several of our members made a big impact at the October NAHB Fall Board Meetings that were co-hosted by GSABA and held in San Antonio. Our PWB and YPLC Council along with the leadership team, GSABA staff, NAHB Directors and volunteers led several events, committee and council meetings and GSABA hosted two receptions and our YPLC Chairs and staff led a national networking event that received rave reviews.
Thank you to the Senior Officers and the Board of Directors for your hard work this year. It has been a privilege to work with you all. We couldn’t have accomplished all we did without your leadership and involvement. We have a special association, and we are blessed to have involved and committed members along with the support of our member companies. I also want to thank my wife Regina for her love and support this past year.
It has been a privilege to serve as your President this year. Happy Holidays!
Sincerely, Tim Pruski

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