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$25,000 Minimum
Summer surtax
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projects deliver
updated campuses’
by Jennifer Wolfinger, BPS News editor
Thanks to sales-surtax-funded projects, many students and staff members returned to safer and updated schools.
Through a combination of capital and sales surtax funds, South Lake Elementary in Titusville was renovated in time to reopen as a STEAM school after closing in 2013. The project took about nine months to go from design to substantial completion. The Independent Citizens Oversight Committee’s recommendation to accelerate the project resulted in it being finished a year ahead of schedule.
These efforts ensured there would be a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) school option in North Brevard. The campus enhancements include everything from ceilings, air conditioning and updates to ensure ADA-compliance to classroom-of-the future workstations, a Makerspace lab and a SmartLab.
Also this summer, an important step in securing all BPS campuses was accomplished with the installation of the symbolic final piece of perimeter fencing for the district at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Titusville. The event marks the completion of a push by BPS to create a single, secure point-of-access at every school with the installation of fencing, cameras and remote-controlled door-lock systems using money from a voter-approved sales surtax.
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APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Fees could reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Membership available to Brevard, Indian River, Orange, Osceola, Polk & Volusia Counties.
Other schools benefitting from 2018 summer surtax projects include:
• Coquina Elementary
• Rockledge High
• Cocoa High with classroom addition • Croton Elementary
• Williams Elementary
• Mila Elementary
• Golfview Elementary
• Creel Elementary
• South Lake Elementary
Passed by Brevard County voters in 2014, the half-cent sales surtax provides funding for critical facility renewal, educational technology and security projects throughout the school district.
As of July 31, 2018, the sales surtax revenue had been over 80 percent spent and encumbered, which indicates sales surtax revenue is being rapidly deployed and invested in our schools. Surtax revenues continue to track ahead of the initial projections.
To learn more about BPS’ facility projects, click here and check out Facility Services’ new Facebook page. 321.690.2328