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A Publication of Brevard Public Schools
Brevard Public Schools Welcomes New Superintendent, Dr. Mark Mullins
Over the summer Brevard Public Schools (BPS) welcomed Superintendent, Dr. Mark Mullins, in his new role with the district. Mullins previously served as deputy superintendent and chief operating officer since 2016. His career with BPS began in 1994 as a mathematics teacher. Mullins went on to be assistant principal at Palm Bay Magnet High and Southwest Middle, principal at Clearlake Middle and area superintendent for the south region of the district.
Mullins said: “I am both honored and excited for the opportunity to continue serving Brevard Public Schools and our community as Superintendent. It is a rare opportunity to continue serving in this capacity in the same community where virtually my career as an educator began 24 years ago as a teacher.”
Mullins earned a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University and master’s and doctorate degrees in educational leadership from the University of Central Florida.
Brevard Public Schools is one
of Florida’s highest performing
school districts, earning an
“A” overall from the state
Department of Education.
BPS ranked number 2
among the 14 large Florida
districts in 2017 for overall
student achievement, and
number 2 for college and
career acceleration. The
school district is Brevard’s
largest employer with 9,000
employees serving more than 73,000 students. BPS is the 47th- largest district in the United States and the 10th-largest in Florida.
Southlake Elementary Re-Opens in Titusville
Through a combination of capital and sales surtax funds, South Lake Elementary
in Titusville was renovated in time to reopen as a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) school after closing
in 2013. The project took about nine months to go from design to substantial completion. The Independent Citizens Oversight
Committee’s recommendation to accelerate the project resulted in it being finished a year ahead of schedule, making Southlake the 83rd public school in Brevard County.
These efforts ensured there would be a STEAM school option in North Brevard. The campus enhancements include everything from ceilings, air conditioning and updates to ensure ADA-compliance to classroom-of-the future workstations,
a Makerspace lab and a SmartLab.