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No two experts agree on literary style, punctuation and capital- ization. Because style varies and changes, stylebooks are written or adopted to help ensure that communication from an organiza- tion is consistent, clear and correct.
Each year hundreds of publications such as newsletters, bro- chures, reports, grant proposals and manuals are published
by Brevard Public Schools for schools and departments. Each department and school has its own set of style rules. The pur- pose of this stylebook is to help everyone – managers, teachers, secretaries, clerks –who contributes to the publishing process and to improve the quality and clarity of district publications. There always will be differences of opinion on rules of style.
That’s why there are thousands of style, writing and grammar books. “Brevard Public Schools Style” was developed to consoli- date some of those rules. Please take a few minutes to familiar- ize yourself with the contents before you begin that next writing project. The task will be easier, and the results more pleasing.
Before you go to press, it may be a good idea for your supervi- sor to review and approve the document if it will be distributed districtwide or to the community. The Of ce of Government and Community relations will also be available to review a document before it goes to press.
The school system’s of cial name is Brevard Public Schools and should be on all school and department letterheads and other publications. The name should be treated as a singular noun, because it re ects one collective district.
Brevard County public school system or the Brevard County school district may be used for variety in correspondence and newsletters.
District may be used in subsequent references, but it should be lowercase.
The district grew by 1,500 students this year.
• The of cial name is the School Board of Brevard County, Florida. Brevard County School Board or School Board of Brevard County are acceptable and more readable.
• When listing board member names, list the chairman  rst, followed by the vice-chairman, with remaining members listed alphabetically. (See page 18 for chairman/chairwoman guidelines.)

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